Charles Lewis
The Diamond Mind
The Law of Attraction Based on Ancient Scripture and Modern Day Practitioners

The Diamond Mind The Law of Attraction Based on Ancient Scripture and Modern Day Practitioners

Charles Lewis2017
Be of good cheer because this is day chosen specifically for you to take the first step on the road to total freedom. Freedom from disease. Freedom from poverty. Freedom from self-sabotage. Freedom from hate. Freedom from fear. Freedom from mediocrity and all unfavorable circumstances. Today is your day to move your life forward. So, claim it, visualize it, feel it and receive it. Over the last ten years, The Law of Attraction has been the new crave. Success Consciousness defines the Law of Attraction as the attractive magnetic power that draws similar energies together. It manifests through the power of creation everywhere and in many ways. This law attracts thoughts, ideas, people, circumstances, and situations. It basically states that whatever you think about and focus on most, is what you attract into your experience thus giving you direct control over the circumstances of your life. It offers you some practical ways of harnessing this power using scientific prayer (Affirmations, Creative Visualization and Emotions)Although these principles have been used for centuries in Eastern Culture, most Americans treated this as if were a new concept when Rhonda Byrne released The Secret in 2006. Authors like Napoleon Hill and Dr. Joseph Murphy taught on this subject years ago and had some early success but it never caught fire. So, what we see today is a resurgence of old concepts with modern day applications. For traditional Christians, reading this book will be a bit uncomfortable at first. But I implore you to keep reading irrespective of your comfort level. You may also find my critique of the Bible a bit scathing, and overtly aggressive at times. Just trust that my only objective is to remove the clouds of religious tradition so that the sun may shine brighter on the Bibles truths and hidden wisdom. I show you the most effective and non-limiting approaches to scripture, while at the same time uncovering there hidden meaning.This book will give you practical ways to use the spiritual exercises effectively, boost your creative confidence, and attract abundance in all areas of your life. We will discuss some key habits of highly effective people and explore the power of your subconscious mind. For the people that are already on this path, this book will be one of many experiences that will be attracted into your life on your journey towards complete enlightenment.Ancient teachers and philosophers have long understood that the power to move mountains comes from inside of us. The physical world that we see is only a reflection of what's been created internally. Since the beginning of time attempts to understand, define, and label this power that creates worlds has been the source of passionate debate and major conflict. This power has been called God, The Source, Allah, Love, The Heavenly Father, The Matrix, Yahweh, The Universe, The Creative Mind, The Creator, and Jehovah. Stephen Hawking calls it The Mind of God, Dr. Joseph Murphy calls it the Subconscious Mind, and Neville Goddard calls it "your own wonderful imagination." In this book, I use almost these labels interchangeably. And even though I realize that gender is an altogether human characteristic as opposed to a spiritual one, I also refer to this power as Him.
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