Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre Englische Originalausgabe

The early life of Jane Eyre, an orphan, takes her from the loveless home of the Reeds to Lowood, a charity school where she is first pupil and the teacher, before she moves to a position as governess at Thornfield Hall. The master of the house, Edward Fairfax Rochester, is a firm, swarthy and engaging man, and by the time he asks Jane, in his own teasing fashion, to be his wife, she knows she will accept him. But there is an impediment to their marriage, and when it is revealed on their wedding day it sends Jane fleeing into the unknown, and further trials on her redoubtable character. Jane Eyre was an immediate success when it was published in 1847, and the dramatic story, centred upon a young woman of impressive independence and integrity of spirit, has assured it a place as one of the most enduringly popular novels in the language.
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Photo of lucy rosenthal
lucy rosenthal@lucy_ffrr

i know it’s obvious and i’m very late to the party but my god this rocks so hard

Photo of rie
4 stars
Apr 30, 2024

Jane Eyre is a realistic depiction of a woman's internal conflicts between her innate desires and societal status.

It follows Jane, who finds herself faced with oppression, inequality, and hardship. It is a novel where the main character is deemed unconventional at the time it was released because it criticizes everything in the strict social class in Victorian society, especially how they perceive women. In a time where women were expected to be powerless and submissive, Jane Eyre challenges the society’s norms.

In line with this, Jane speaks and stands up for herself, something that women back then did rarely or did not have the privilege to do so. I believe that the book was truly ahead of its time because of Jane's autonomous nature and the way it tackles issues of feminism, class, sexuality, and religion. It has aspects of societal criticism with a strong sense of Christian morality at its center.

Jane Eyre is more than a story of finding love — it is also a tale that searches for a sense of belonging and independence amid the patriarchal dominance and gender inequality society.

Photo of Isabella
4 stars
Mar 2, 2024

Bit too slow and religious for my taste but “the more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained i am, the more i will respect myself” is so hardcore i love u

Photo of shruthi
shruthi @apobangpo
4.5 stars
Feb 16, 2024

I honestly loved it! I am not a fan of janechester but whatever ☺️ the story was fun she rlly is just a 18 year old girl

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of Clay Carey
Clay Carey@clayclay
5 stars
Jan 10, 2024

Why is it pronounced that way; also why is he a sexual masochist?

Photo of Zainab
Zainab @znybaa1
5 stars
Jan 6, 2024

Einer der schönsten Klassiker, die ich je gelesen habe. Diese Geschichte berührt das Herz. So viele Weisheiten kann man aus ihr ziehen, so viele Wortspiele und Menschenkenntnisse fließen in den Zeilen des Buches mit ein.

Ich bin hin und weg von dieser wunderschönen Geschichte. Der Schreibstil fesselt einen in seinen Bann. Die Scharfsinnigkeit, mit der die Hauptfigur ihre Umgebung beobachtet und beschreibt, weist auf die Menschenkenntnisse der Autorin hin.

Ich habe die Zeit, in der ich Jane Eyre gelesen habe, sehr genossen. Ein ideales Winterbuch!

Photo of Jeweliet Coffee
Jeweliet Coffee@jewelietcoffee
4 stars
Sep 10, 2023

Although this book was excessively long, I did enjoy the plot.

Photo of Asmae
5 stars
Mar 11, 2023

Aa777 so ein schöne Geschichte

Photo of Jael Gibbs
Jael Gibbs@jael_gibbs
4.5 stars
Sep 7, 2022

“I care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself.”

'Good-night, my-' He stopped, bit his lip, and abruptly left me."

Photo of Sara
5 stars
Aug 25, 2022

4.5 (review to come)

Photo of Magda Pais
Magda Pais@magda
5 stars
Aug 15, 2022

paixonei-me por este livro nas primeiras páginas, quando Jane é uma órfã que vive com a tia - obrigada a aceitá-la por uma promessa feita ao marido no leito da morte - e os primos que lhe fazem a vida negra. Quando surge a oportunidade, Jane é enviada para um colégio interno onde sofre imenso. Não por causa da directora ou dos professores mas porque a escola onde está é sustentada por um pastor que não admite que se gaste mais do que estritamente necessário para sobreviver. Esta parte do livro lembrou-me A Princesinha, um dos livros que marcou a minha infância e pelo qual ainda sou apaixonada. Após uma série de mortes no colégio - devidas à má nutrição das alunas - a situação melhora e Jane acaba por ter uma segunda parte da infância relativamente normal, ao ponto de passar alguns anos ainda no colégio - primeiro como aluna, depois como professora. Mas um dia sente que precisa de mais na sua vida e acaba por ir parar a Thornfield Hall como preceptora de Adele, uma jovem francesa que vive com o seu benfeitor, Mr. Rochester por quem acaba por se apaixonar e ser correspondida. Mas nem tudo são rosas e Jane, mantendo-se fiel às suas convicções, acaba por abandonar Thornfield Hall. De leitura bastante acessível, e com uma história diferente do habitual, fiquei presa a cada palavra, a cada página, na ânsia de saber o final. Um final feliz, claro, mas com um travo amargo. Claro que a escrita, em si, é totalmente diferente dos livros actuais. Nem melhor nem pior, apenas diferente. Confesso que me fica a curiosidade... como seria escrita esta história nos dias de hoje?

Photo of fleabag
5 stars
Aug 15, 2022

“I have for the first time found what I can truly love—I have found you. You are my sympathy—my better self—my good angel. I am bound to you with a strong attachment. I think you good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, draws you to my centre and spring of life, wraps my existence about you, and, kindling in pure, powerful flame, fuses you and me in one.”

Photo of Steph L
Steph L @paigesofnovels
5 stars
Aug 14, 2022

I loved this story as it is a classic story. I feel that this is a timeless story, that people of all ages will love. This was my second time reading this b9ok. I really liked this edition of the book because it was something that was easy to navigate. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys the classics.

Photo of Ethan Hill
Ethan Hill@localhero
1 star
Aug 12, 2022

Boring I’m afraid.

Photo of Kang Jie Ng
Kang Jie Ng@kjng123
3.5 stars
Feb 25, 2025
Photo of Reads
5 stars
Feb 16, 2025
Photo of shev
4 stars
Jan 18, 2025
Photo of Melanie
4 stars
Dec 24, 2024
Photo of saturn
4 stars
Oct 2, 2024
Photo of Caitlin Kirkham
Caitlin Kirkham@cakes-101
3.5 stars
Jul 30, 2024
Photo of Mirko
4 stars
Jul 10, 2024
Photo of mickey
4 stars
Jun 24, 2024
Photo of Emma Freeman
Emma Freeman@emmafreeman10
4.5 stars
Jun 12, 2024
Photo of Henry Marchbanks Winter
Henry Marchbanks Winter@henrymwinter
5 stars
Jun 2, 2024


Photo of Grace McCarter
Grace McCarter@gracemccarter

Still I felt that Helen Burns considered things by a light invisible to my eyes.

Page 52
Photo of Zainab
Zainab @znybaa1

Hier gab es keine quälende Zurückhaltung, kein Unterdrücken von Lebhaftigkeit und Fröhlichkeit, denn ihm gegenüber fühlte ich mich vollkommen behaglich, weil ich wusste, dass ich ihm angenehm war. Alles, was ich sagte oder tat, schien ihn entweder zu trösten oder neu zu beleben. Welch ein beglü- ckendes Bewusstsein! Er ließ mein ganzes Wesen aufleben und brachte es zum Strahlen. In seiner Gegenwart lebte ich wahrhaft - und er in der meinen.

Photo of Zainab
Zainab @znybaa1

»Aber Sie müssen doch nicht Missionar werden! Sie könnten diesen Plan dann aufgeben.«

»Aufgeben! Was? Meinen Beruf? Mein großes Werk? Den Grundstein, welchen ich auf Erden für eine Wohnung im Himmel legen will? Meine Hoffnung, einst zu der Zahl derer gerechnet zu werden, welche allen Ehrgeiz von sich gestreift haben, um des größeren Zieles willen, das Men- schengeschlecht besser gemacht, Kenntnisse und Belehrung in das Reich der Unwissenheit getragen zu haben? Frieden an die Stelle des Krieges gestellt, Freiheit für Knechtschaft, Religion für Aberglauben, die Hoffnung auf das ewige Leben für die Furcht der Hölle eingetauscht zu haben? Das soll ich aufgeben? Es ist mir teurer als das Blut in meinen Adern. Es ist das, worauf ich hoffe, wofür ich lebe!«

Photo of Elizabeth Park
Elizabeth Park@mspark

“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will, which I now exert to leave you.”