Chasing the Shadows

This was 4 stars riiiiiiight up until the climax and resolution. Just felt like a repeat of book one's ending but with the added disappointment of nonsensical character decisions which led to messily tied up loose ends (imagine you've just joined Scouts and your clove hitch just doesn't attach to anything and unravels if anyone pulls at it. That's the resolution here). Still fun and I'm looking forward to book 3. Pleeeeease don't disappoint me. Also keen for more Lyra/Ava and Niall scenes pls and ty.

I was extremely excited for this as I loved the first book, but it was mostly boring. I was constantly waiting for some action or bigger twist or turn. Unfortunately I feel this has some pacing issues. It's mostly about Lyra/Ara training and worming in the Qnet for the first 45% and then we get tiny slivers of why Jarren is attacking and some more clues regarding the warriors until 80%. Lots of parents staring and disapproving of things and we don't even get any romance scenes. Every time I think they're finally going further, they get inerrupted. That quite frankly made me mad and unsatisfied. The ending (the last 8% of the book) is too short and rushed. I'm hoping that the next book is better paced and not as boring to read. Dear M V Snyder, please don't let me down. I love your books.

Full review to come