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I quite enjoyed this book. I'm pretty sure it came across my feed when it was first released but I never bothered to pick it up. It's strange because brothers best friend is right up my alley. You know how it rolls, so the tension isn't a surprise. I like how confident Quinn is. Archer is a little more difficult to get a read on. I do feel this book perhaps moved a little too slowly for me, but having said that, it didn't feel like it was overly dragged out. It is a duet and needs to be read as such, and I will be doing so soon!

THAT CLIFFHANGER!!!! 😱 I reveived an e-ARC—this review is way over due, I know—from the author in exchange for an honest review. I really enjoyed reading Quinn's & Archer's storyline! It was fantastic and I'm apparently a sucker for forbidden romance for some reason. It caused a lot of angst and I loved every second of it! I can't wait to read the next book!