Latitude of a Lunatic

Latitude of a Lunatic The Diaries of Cheryl Anne Harper

Cheryl Harper2012
Cheryl Anne Harper is author of the popular psychological thriller Melting Ice Heavens. Her second book, Latitude Of A Lunatic: The Diaries Of Cheryl Anne Harper takes readers inside her most inspirational and torturous actual-life experiences and the prospective she gained therein. The author's account of her existence as a survivor of severe child abuse and mental illness is chilling. This book is also a testament of the unshakable bond between the author and her heroic father, Elmer Randolph Harper, who undoubtedly saved her life when he fought for sole parental custody. By the author's own account her father's devotion to her served as both the inspiration for her creative endeavors, and a significant deterrent to her descent into full-fledged insanity. Cheryl Anne Harper lives in the United States and is working on the release of her third book.
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