
Tony Chu is back and off on an island adventure! This time he's dealing with some shady business involving a plant that tastes exactly like chicken... that comes from outer space! Readers are also introduced to POYO, the most badass chicken in existence. Colby is back as well, but half robot and Tony's partner again, and Amelia makes another appearance. So of the shocking novelty of the story has worn off, and a lot of the plot is set-up for future issues, but it's still a lot of fun and a great series to get into! One complaint... holy hell, Guillory... The breasts you draw on women make me hurt just looking at them. I get that style is a huge part of Chew, but the USDA agent is a bit much...

This book was much much better than the first volume. Everything was done much better, the writing, the art, it felt like everything had an upgrade. If volume 1 was a 4/5 this one is a 4.5/5 and hopefully it will continue to go up as the series continues. All I want from it is to add some more stuff happening, it all feels like something is juuust about to happen when it doesn't. So yeah more stuff needs to happen I feel because it felt like volume 1 left a lot for volume 2, and volume 2 didn't really touch up on the mysteries left by the first volume that much. Anyway overall i liked it, and I'm going to continue reading the series

This one was a little different. It’s centered around a new fruit that only grows on this one island and the fruit taste like chicken. Since chicken is outlawed, this fruit could be the next big thing. And there’s a whole like underlining plot that’s happening and they need to get someone off the island before it’s too late. Oh, and a vampire? That’s different.

So, um, yeah, this was wild. Incredibly gruesome, ridiculously fun and surprisingly addictive. I can’t wait to continue on and see where this series goes. (I just need to make sure I don’t leave three years between issues again.) It definitely could have done without the homophobia and racism though. TW: • Suicide • Homophobia • Racism • A *lot* of blood and gore