Chew volume 1

Chew volume 1 Taster's Choice


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Photo of Gulshan Hasanzada
Gulshan Hasanzada@gulshan
5 stars
Aug 15, 2022

I’m dying to know what happens next in the series. That means I liked it. Chew: Volume 1: Taster’s Choice introduces the character’s world and it’s one of the most original, entertaining stories I’ve ever read. It’s the kind of story that has all the qualities of a fine main course: filling, exciting and easy to consume. Food lovers and comic fans will enjoy reading this graphic novel.

Photo of Maggie Gordon
Maggie Gordon@maggieg
4 stars
Aug 13, 2022

Chew is one of the most bizarre graphic novels I have read, and yet somehow it works. Tony Chu is a cibopath. He gets psychic impressions from the food he eats, and this gets him recruited by the FDA as an investigator. In this world, the FDA has a lot of power after a so-called avian flu killed millions around the world. Now chicken is a billion dollar black market item, and people are willing to kill over their food supply. And yet, despite that being a weird premise, you also have to add in the fact that aliens have something to do with this all, and conspiracies! It's an odd story and I have no idea where it is going, but I'm rather glad I picked it up. What makes Chew work so well is the art. It's extremely expressive, but also quite gross (which is fitting given the topic). Each character is very unique, and the artist shows movement well. I can't imagine a better style for this odd series.

Photo of Omar AlHashmi
Omar AlHashmi@omaralhashmi
4 stars
Jul 11, 2022

Well this comic was a very pleasant and refreshing read. The concept is what grabbed me immediately. The power of knowing about something when you eat it, and becoming a detective and eating victims corpses to help the case. Thats so interesting, especially in a comic form. So the concept was great, and i liked the artstyle as well. I didnt like it at first because it is very cartoon-ey and i thought it didn't fit with the gruesome concept of cannibalism. But it grew on me and saw that it was better this way, bringing this lightness to the topic. Some things i didnt like was the writing. It was very very very simple. Like to an extreme way. I always praised some comic writers to be able to connect the reader with the character and that comics are not just silly reads that you throw away. But this had very basic writing, and nothing seemed special about it, i just felt like reading to advance the plot and didnt care for all the side conversations. Anyway im gonna continue with this series because of its concept and unique powers it has. Hopefully it improves over the course of the next volumes.

Photo of Emily
3 stars
Dec 6, 2021

3.5/5 Stars

Photo of Jelke Lenaerts
Jelke Lenaerts@jelkebooks
3 stars
Nov 19, 2021

This book has a content warning for canibalism. I don't really know what to think of this one because I can definetly see why other people would love it but I guess it's just not my cup of tea. The premise was very interesting and excecuted well but didn't really do anything for me. The characters were pretty interesting but also pretty cookie cutter. I liked the mystery aspect but there weren't really a lot of clues left so the reader could try and figure things out. I don't know. I wasn't a fan of it really. The art wasn't my favourite and I don't think I'll be continueing on into this series.

Photo of Chantale
5 stars
Sep 15, 2021

This is a second reread and i still love it.

Photo of Wren Hardwick
Wren Hardwick@fablesandwren
4 stars
Aug 31, 2021

This is like my worst nightmare coming true. Wren Fact: I have been a vegetarian since I was in second grade. I have a super big heart for animals and, as a human, you can live without eating other living things so I decided to do just that at a very young age. So I went into this book... very cautiously. I mean, can you imagine if you ate something and you knew where it had been? You knew how the cow was killed and how it was grinded up. You know what chemicals were put into that apple to make it as juicy and red as it is. Like that’s absolutely horrifying. But you can also see how that is super helpful if you are in the police-force. You know, eat a bit of the murdered person and find out who murdered them (barfs). ..and the other strange bit is that all meat is outlawed? Because of the bird flu? I’m not sure. I thought the art was mediocre, but I think that was the whole plan. The story seems to be kicking off though. Once the government found out about what our main dude can do, they grabbed him and his life forever changed since then. I’m interested in how this is going to continue, but I am not going to binge these because I don’t think my stomach could handle it.

Photo of  Bruna Acioly Leão
Bruna Acioly Leão@bruna
5 stars
Aug 29, 2021

This is everything a graphic novel should be for me. Action, mystery, cliff hangers, intense art... (with some, not gonna lie, disgusting bits, but I've got a strong stomach) I'm so excited to continue with the series!

Photo of Kate
4 stars
Aug 12, 2021

This was brilliant, gruesome, exciting and funny all that the same time. Such a fun and original concept, It's unlike anything I've read before. I throughly enjoyed it and can't wait to get my hands on volume two!!

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