Children of Ruin
'My most anticipated book of the year' - Peter F. Hamilton, Britain's no.1 science fiction writer Children of Ruin follows Adrian Tchaikovsky's extraordinary Children of Time, winner of the Arthur C. Clarke award. It is set in the same universe, with new characters and a thrilling narrative. It has been waiting through the ages. Now it's time . . . Thousands of years ago, Earth’s terraforming program took to the stars. On the world they called Nod, scientists discovered alien life – but it was their mission to overwrite it with the memory of Earth. Then humanity’s great empire fell, and the program’s decisions were lost to time. Aeons later, humanity and its new spider allies detected fragmentary radio signals between the stars. They dispatched an exploration vessel, hoping to find cousins from old Earth. But those ancient terraformers woke something on Nod better left undisturbed. And it’s been waiting for them. 'Books like this are why we read science fiction' - Ian McDonald, author of the Luna series All underpinned by great ideas. And it is crisply modern - but with the sensibility of classic science fiction' Stephen Baxter, author of the Long Earth series (with Terry Pratchett)

Frederik De Bosschere@freddy

Shiveen Pandita@shiveenp

Janice Hopper@archergal

Zoey Mikalatos@zoeymik

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Les Reynolds@lreynolds

Bryan Alexander@bryanalexander

Grreg Gorey@grreggorey

Christian von Schack@cschack


Aloe Han@elixirical

Kevin Stofan@tankofvines

Callum Matthews @acxtrilla

Ben Booth@bkbooth

Jess Cheung@xjesscheung

Elizabeth Jones@emariet20

Pierre Nel@pn

Mike Engel@vegemike

Riley Rose@rileyrose

Steve C@markspace

Eric Jacobsen@eric_wvgg

Daniel Kirwan@dansonofjim

Andrew Wiggin@awndrw