Chris Jones
The UX of ME
Career Optimization Through Design Thinking

The UX of ME Career Optimization Through Design Thinking

Chris Jones2016
In just about every job you might have, in whichever industry you choose, there is one thing in common that connects every one of us. We all have to deal with other people every single day. Each single interaction we have with others, no matter if they work under or above us, could determine our success. How we perform in different situations will affect the perception these people have of us and how they talk about us with others. It might seem out of our control yet this couldn't be further from the truth. The UX of ME method takes ideas from design thinking and brand strategy to not only help everyone become more valuable as employees or more admired as colleagues but to have a career that is more purposeful. It will help you take control of the way others experience you as a colleague, a boss, a subordinate or collaborator. Above all, it will allow you to think more deeply about what you really want from your career then how to set and achieve your goals. Don't waste any more time just drifting through your career. Know what you want, why you're doing it and how to get there. It's time to take your career success into your own hands.
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