Silence Is White Stories, Poems & Illustrations for Seb Doubinsky
Seb Doubinsky was born in Paris and spent part of his childhood in the USA, an experience that indelibly marked him for life. He currently lives in Denmark with his wife and children. He writes fl uently in both French and English and has published more than a dozen novels that blur the boundaries between literary fiction, science fiction and crime fiction, and a volume of short stories. His poetry has been published around the world to great acclaim and has been collected in at least nine stand-alone volumes. He edits the bi-lingual on-line literary magazine Le Zaporogue, publishes books under his Les Editions du Zaporogue imprint and is at work on at least one new novel. This unique anthology is a testament to a unique individual. Scottish writer and editor Chris Kelso has commissioned contributions from nineteen writers and artists, all of them admirers, friends and colleagues of Seb Doubinsky, who have each paid tribute to him in their own way for the pleasure his work, friendship and encouragement have given them.