The ANX Guide

The ANX Guide Reframing Anxiety. Inoculating the World

Chris Knight2021
Make no mistake, living with anxiety and panic is shit with a capital S. It sucks the joy out of the everyday and shrinks the world of it's victims - if you let it! You see anxiety is sticky and like a snowball rolling down a hill, the longer it's left to roll the bigger it gets and the harder it is to stop. Suffering with anxiety is not something to be ashamed of, in fact it seems to affect intelligent 'thinkers' and creative people the most (which might say something about you and certainly gives a big clue as to how you can approach beating it) and it definitely doesn't mean you are weak, after all you are currently at the mercy of arguably the most powerful adversary on the planet - the human brain, with millennia of survival and evolution under its black belt! Yeah yeah, but can this guide actually release me from the grip of my anxiety? I hear you ask, well the good news is that GAD (generalised anxiety disorder) is not an illness (not to us) It's a temporary undesirable state of mind which can be changed by what we choose to focus on. It can be broken down and reframed to actually empower and help help us grow, believe it or not. It definitely marks the end of an old way of life for sure, but the start of a new one, and this guide can 100% help you achieve that - It won't be instant; it will require considerable commitment; but if you follow this guide it will provide you with all the tools you need to free yourself and arrive at your new normal. How can I be sure? I sense you thinking, well it worked for me and I'm no different to you. After years of reading, research, treatments and experimentation trying to completely free myself, after listening and speaking with many people who had lived with, and freed themselves from GAD and Panic, I mapped, curated and followed this exact guide finally to my own successful release from my anxiety and panic. This is a totally unique, ongoing (in as much as I haven't stop researching what helps and what works) super comprehensive guide that holistically addresses all aspects of your mental and physical wellbeing to empower and optimise your chances of success, from botox to breathing, from CBT to CBD, from neurotransmitters to NLP and everything in between. It is comprised of 7 steps across 10 chapters, supported by over 30 powerful hacks derived from research and the lived experiences of myself and those other people who successfully freed themselves, and is loaded with techniques and strategies to empower you to deal with the before, during and after of your anxiety and panic, all of which have been validated by clinical professionals (hooray) but more importantly those people who have actually suffered. Your journey will be personal to you and your anxieties without doubt, but we all share a common physiology and 'no person is an island'. What has successfully worked for others is likely to work for you and this guide will do exactly that, it will metaphorically walk with you 'step by step' to guide you through what works, in the order that is most effective and powerful, building you up and preparing you for whats to come, giving you all the tools and techniques you need to first make your anxiety release its grip (this happens quickly) and then melt away (this takes persistence and commitment) Like a boxer training for a big fight, this guide and everyone who directly or indirectly contributed to its existence are in your corner. We know what you are dealing with now. We know what you are going to have to do to free yourself. We know how incredible life will feel at the end of this journey to freedom - And we know you can do it! Read the guide, you have nothing to loose, and everything to gain! You deserve a life free from the control of anxiety!
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