You Cancer Vive!
Empowerment for the Survivor in You!
You Cancer Vive! Empowerment for the Survivor in You!
There are millions of people today who are dealing with what seems to be insurmountable issues of life and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel. This book by Chris Parker was written to ignite your faith and renew your hope that there is hope and God is able to do all things! Don't be afraid to try again and give it another try! Open your heart and mind to the healing that God has for you. Spiritual healing, physical healing, emotional healing, mental healing, financial, even healing in broken relationshipsDrawing from the life of the woman with the issue of blood, Bishop Parker parallels his own diagnosis and extreme prognosis with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and draws from the woman with the issue of blood to pull you out of your own brokenness, fear and defeat to declare unto you, that YOU CAN-CER VIVE!