All of Us Villains

This book was a rollercoaster. I went into this book knowing that the main characters didn’t have the best moral compasses but some of the things in this book were interesting. The plot twist were unexpected and I liked how the authors developed and explained the characters in a way were you knew they were villains but the reasons why were so compelling. These quite a bit of violence and gore in this book and it ends on a cliffhanger but I really liked it.

I am attempting to write this little review while things are fresh in my mind, but I am struggling because I am replaying the last two or 3 chapters because, the end... I- How coul- Wait, what? Well, s- ! These are all things I have said out loud while reading just the last 4 or 5% of a book I have very much enjoyed and would like more of, please. I hate spoilers, I never look for, or read, reviews myself (just give me a blurb!!), so I will keep this brief so you can wonder into Ilvernath blind, just like I did, but I will say that its wonderfully written, with a rich, well thought out, history and lore that truly gives the depth needed to solidify the characters thoughts, feelings, and actions, making the time I spent with our 4 (main) characters fantastic. I love them all, even the ones you think maybe you shouldn't, and you feel for them. Their desperation, their fear, their need and desire, and their villainy. I am hoping book 2 will be out within the year, and while you wait, read this one, maybe read it again to convince yourself you just didn't see that coming because, how? What does it mean? And, why? A solid 5-star read, All Of Us Villains is available now - go forth, treat yourself, and your villainous friends and family!