The Cat Nine A Cat's-Eye View of Progress
The Cat Nine is a small strip of land that separates the Havelots and the Haveless. The Havelots live in mansions, buzzing with technology. The Haveless live in townhomes, largely devoid of technology. To the cats that live with the Haveless or Radicats, as they call themselves the Cat Nine is a sanctuary, a place where they experience life, absorb its lessons, and play by nature's rules. It's their key to survival, with mice, birds, and snakes in abundance. To the cats that live with the Havelots or Technocats, as they call themselves the Cat Nine is a virtual realm, where they are paid to rid the sanctuary of all rodent, avian, and reptilian species so their unscrupulous boss can further his ambitions. A zealous Radicat alerts the Haveless cats to the impending demise of their sanctuary. They rally around their appointed leader, Charlie, who concocts a battle plan to preserve the Cat Nine as a playground for all free cats. The Cat Nine takes a fanciful and satirical look at human progress as seen through the eyes of a cat. It presents arguments for preserving nature and lessening human reliance on technology.