
Bite Me by Christopher Mooreis the third installment of the Tommy and Jody vampire series set in south of Market, San Francisco. It's also the most madcap and funniest one in the series. Much of the book is told through the hilarious diary entries of Abby Normal, a vampire groupie. She is recruited to be Tommy's minion via Craigslist, a detail that is both funny and plausible. I mean, if there were vampires in San Francisco, they would advertise on Craigslist. Nearly everyone else does. Amongst all the silliness, there's actually one of the most frightening vampire plots I've read in a while. Chet the cat who was drained in the previous book, You Suck, has come back as a vampire and the demon inside him has made him something more than a cat. He in turn vamps all the stray cats in the neighborhood and they are a blood thirsty force to be reckoned with. But I have one small detail to complain about. BART doesn't go to the Sunset District; MUNI does.

Very funny stuff. I think the best of Moore's vampire / occult comedy books was A Dirty Job (omg so funny), but this one is a close second.