
You Suck is the sequel to Bloodsucking Fiends bringing Moore back to San Francisco. Tommy Flood has been elevated from minion to vampire by Jody. It's time to find a new minion and what better place to look than Craigslist? You Suck captures the feel of San Francisco better than the original. Moore has since relocated to the City and it shows in how he captures the nuances of the different neighborhoods. While most of the characters are repeats from the original, there are a few new memorable ones. My favorite two are Abby (their new Goth styled minion) and William and his huge cat, Chet. Mostly though it's a further exploration of what it means to be a vampire: perfect skin, no more scars, and heightened senses. On the flipside: sleeping like the dead during the day, burning to ash in the sunlight and an insatiable appetite for blood. You Suck was everything I was hoping Fool would be but wasn't.

Highly entertaining, an excellent sequel, and a good palate-cleanser after the more complex and daunting "Little, Big". Recommended for a quick read and a fun time.

This guy is just so freakin' funny(I have decided that he is indeed trying to write comedy and not just a really bad writer) Can we get a broom? 'Cuz my jaw dropped to the floor at that plottwist in the last chapter. I was absolutely not expecting that