Linux Troubleshooting Bible

Linux Troubleshooting Bible

* An indispensable resource for Fedora users who must now work without customer support from Red Hat, Inc., covering critical troubleshooting techniques for networks, internal servers, and external servers * Chris Negus is a well-known Linux authority and also the author of the top-selling Red Hat Linux Bible (0-7645-4333-4); Thomas Weeks is a trainer and administrator who manages hundreds of Red Hat Linux systems * Covers all of the most common Fedora problem areas: firewalls, DNS servers, print servers, Samba, NFS, Web servers, FTP servers, e-mail servers, modems, adding hardware, and hardware certification * Features easy-to-use flowcharts that guide administrators step by step through common Fedora troubleshooting scenarios * A companion Web site offers troubleshooting updates to keep pace with the frequent Fedora Core releases as well as a forum for exchanging troubleshooting tips
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