Murtagh The World of Eragon

I really appreciated reading a book focused entirely on Murtagh’s experience. The premise was a bit too long, and the really important turn-paging part happens only in the lasts 200 pages (which is something that Paolini also did in the inheritance cycle). Nevertheless, it’s a really interesting point of view: there’s new information about his life both as Morzan’s son and as Galbatorix’s pupil (and prisoner, alongside Thorn). We also learn more about the reason why Galbatorix turned against the Dragon Riders, but that looks like something Paolini decided to add while writing this book, because the reason for Galbatorix’s madness Paolini gave in the cycle stood no ground, or at least it looked like it to me while reading it.
I read a comment somewhere that highlighted how Eragon is not someone predestined. He’s just a boy that happens to find a dragon’s egg, and that egg just opens for him. He has responsibilities, but he’s not predestined. He doesn’t have crazy abilities (although he is given some advantages during his first stay at Ellesmera). And Murtagh doesn’t neither. He’s the one that had to suffer (more than Eragon). He’s the one that had to go through the wrong path; and while reading the book you actually feel sorry for him. He’s right to feel jealous about Eragon: he’s everything he never was and never will be. Not because eragon’s predestined, but because he had different opportunities growing up.
Murtagh has to prove himself because he’s (rightfully) considered a traitor. He feels ashamed of himself and, in order to punish himself, he and thorn have a habit of saying their true names before going to sleep. Only when they stop doing that they become free, for clinging to the past does nothing good.
I still think that having Murtagh, Eragon and Arya interact would be awesome, but I also get why Paolini wanted Murtagh to have his own story.

A great continuation to the Eragon Series

Could have used a good editor but it was fun to be back in this world again

This is book five of The Inheritance Cycle, however it is not the book five that the author previously had in mind as one day coming out (aka hell yeah there’s still more). This also features the same story shown in The Fork, just from Murtagh’s perspective.
It’s only been a year since the end of the fourth book, and yet so much has happened and so many things are going on. Murtagh and Thorn are desperately searching for a path forward, in desperate need of figuring out who they are without the traumatic hand of Galbatorix overseeing them. Neither are sure if word has spread of their hand in bringing about the king’s end, so they travel on the very outskirts of society, camping out at night and constantly traveling. Murtagh keeps up his false identity we met in The Fork, but he just can’t help getting involved when things happen. This need, this desire to be good, this curiosity, is the impetus for everything that follows.
Paolini really pulled back the curtain with this one. Murtagh was the jaded, traumatized bad boy long before it was cool. And he doesn’t shy away from telling the reader just how horrible his time at Urû'baen was. From the memories of him as a child, living under the temperamental (at best) Morzan, to being bullied and overshadowed during court life, to his captivity and subsequent torture with Thorn. All while they were forced under oath. And don’t forget that Murtagh is only twenty at the end of the series! They really are just damaged boys. Beat down and trapped over and over again.
Sadly, for most of this new novel, that truth doesn’t change. Perhaps that’s just their lot in life (and Paolini does enjoy torturing us readers too). I will say again, kind of like my recently re-shared ‘review’ of Inheritance and the series in general, there was a part in this new one that involves a fish that had me shaking my head and wondering why I was reading about it. But again, the author reels it in and by the end you’re left not feeling like you’ve had enough. Each trial takes Murtagh and Thorn back through something that triggers a trauma, reliving the worst of their lives. And each time they must adapt, persevere, and fight back. They consistently claw their way out of the trouble they’ve walked into, and both end up way more dynamic for it.
Murtagh’s curiosity leads them down a path that involves a witch and her unruly cult. More than once they question if they should contact Nasuada, Eragon, or Arya so that they aren’t alone. Part anti-hero rashness, and part not knowing if they’ll be accepted by the others, they push on alone. This does not go well for them. There is even a part where Murtagh pushes a healing charm to Thorn’s nose that I could feel actual tears brewing. This witch makes a lot of heavy claims. Whether or not she’s telling the truth, or if those things come to pass, we may get to experience some things that make us say, “Galbatorix who?”
I really enjoyed that Paolini only has Murtagh use a handful of spells in the ancient language. He tends to get whatever he needs done, somehow, but it’s pointed out how he has quite large gaps in his education (unlike Eragon) and I felt like this was actually one of the author’s subtle ways of showing it. I feel like this book is half “Eragon ain’t the only dragon rider, I don’t need him,” and half “oh damn, we really should have called Eragon.” It’s hard to be the older brother.
I think it’s obvious that Paolini has clearly grown and learned a lot. The writing is powerful and each word is packed with meaning. Not only are his characters growing, but he has as well. His style still feels well within the world of Alagaësia, however I really wouldn’t tag this one as young adult at all. The themes are dark, the descriptions are brutal, and they have grown out of adolescence themselves. This was absolutely incredible, and I’m so excited that he’s stated he’s not running out of ideas anytime soon. Personally a 5/5*

I really enjoyed this book! I am interested to see how the story continues!!

I started this book wondering if I’d feel the same kind of magic I did when I first read the Inheritance cycle all those years ago… I’m happy to report that did! Loved travelling back to Alagaësia and reuniting with some of the characters.

another slay from paolini. absolutely devastating book. I loved Murtagh, thorn, and the amount we were able to learn about their characters, their past, and how they are progressing. I look forward to the next one with a lot of anticipation!!!!

As a Murtagh fan since day one of reading this series, this book fundamentally means so much to me. Growing up with Christopher Paolini and continuing to read his books and experience his journey as a writer is also so lovely to experience and I cannot wait to continue to be a part of this world.