Faith Comes by Hearing

Faith Comes by Hearing A Response to Inclusivism: Easyread Large Edition

WHAT ABOUT THOSE WHO HAVE NEVER HEARD? The debate swirls and feelings run deep. What is the fate of the unevangelized? The traditional position - that apart from an explicit faith in Jesus no one is saved - seems to have fallen out of favor with many evangelicals. But the contributors to Faith Comes by Hearing demur. This book is a passionate but irenic response to the arguments of those who believe that the unevangelized can (or might) be saved apart from knowledge of Jesus Christ. Building on the insights of others, nine scholars introduce readers, even those with little background, to the ongoing discussion. Key questions - Is general revelation sufficient? Are other religions salvific? Do holy pagans exist? Must faith be explicit? Is exclusivism unjust? - are probed and answered from a biblical, theological and historical perspective.
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