
And it starts getting better and better... Loving everything about Dr. Octopus! It's so fuckin amazingly well written! Spidey is fun and everything, lots of surprises and while I was reading couldn't wait to finally get to the Clone Conspiracy, which builds up real good all this time.

Really nice! Was skeptical about the whole event, but Slott does NOT disappoint as always. Really liked it! Every Doc Ock moment was so fucking good until the end. I want more Doc Oak by Slott, that's for sure. And if the event or the ending is not good for some, it sure was fun to read and a real page-turner. Solid writing/ solid artwork! Congrats to the whole team!

End of Clone Conspiracy \o/ Good stuff! Fun stuff! Nice ending!

I liked it. It was ok most of the time, the artwork was great, but some things got me cringing, I get why would Slott do all them homages and whatnot, throw some stuff that happened before and hola at older scenes/dialoges from classic spidey issues, but it was.. eh.. like, yeah yeah we know.. yeah little Osborn threw the glider on his father.. and Spidey yells out CLASSIC.. and everything and everyone around is cringing. Stuff like that made me rate it lower, the villain, Norman Osborn on drugs.. um I mean Norman Osborn with a Symbiote... and that is Carnage! Meh Like let's Venomize someone and call it a new threat! Oh well.. I didn't like the idea, I liked the dialogue. No matter what Slott is constant on fun writing. Even after the things that I didn't like, I like most of it. And that's all on Slott. I fucking loved his Superior Spider-Man and his Spidey before that and his spidey after that. Dunno how the new one's gonna be but if it's half as good as Slott was all these years I'm gonna be buying Spidey for sure!