Chronic City
Chase Insteadman is a handsome, inoffensive former child-star, living a vague routine of dinner parties and glamorous engagements on Manhattan's Upper East Side. Meanwhile, his astronaut fiancée, trapped on the International Space Station, sends him rapturous love letters. Like Janice, Chase is adrift. Into Chase's life enters Perkus Tooth, a wall-eyed free-range pop-critic, whose soaring conspiratorial riffs are fueled by high-grade marijuana, mammoth cheeseburgers and a desperate ache for meaning. Together, Chase and Perkus attempt to unearth the Truth - that rarest of artifacts on an island where everything can be bought. At once beautiful and tawdry, poignant and funny, Lethem's new novel is as always, utterly unique.

Daryl Houston@dllh
Weird and fun and smart and sort of tidy but not *that* tidy. My sort of navel-gazing. Might read this one again some day and will certainly look into more by Lethem.

Konrad Lischka@klischka


Hannah Swithinbank@hannahswiv

Klaus Eck@klauseck

Tyler Freitas@tjfr8s


Jacob Munk-Stander@jacobms

Arnav Shah@arnavshah

Steven O'Toole@osteven

Gregor Gross@gregorgross