
DNF at page 235.

od cinder jsem dostala přesně to, co jsem očekávala. je to science fiction YA retelling na princezny. ano, zní to přehnaně, ale nějakým záhadným způsobem to funguje skvěle. líbilo se mi vykreslení postav, kde i po pár stranách víte, jaké ty postavy jsou, jak se chovají, prostě mají svůj charakter hezky vymyšlený. byla jsem unesená tím, jak se dokáže děj stále držet té princeznovské linky, že tam pořád můžeme vidět ty útržky z popelky, i když je děj vlastně o něčem úplně jiným. to bylo fakt skvělý a já za to smekám. další veliký plus je to, že autorka dokáže napsat sci-fi tak, aby to pochopili i lidi, kteří se nedokážou až tak vyznat v elektronice (viz. já). některé sci-fi jsou pro mě hodně těžké na čtení, protože se tam mluví o elektronických věcech, které ani nevím, čemu slouží. tady jsem se ale vyznávala v pohodě. no a největší plus celé téhle knihy je ten vztah mezi kaiem a cinder. je to takové sladké zakončení celé hezky propracované young adult. slowburn 300 stránek, potencionální enemies to lovers, a ještě ke všemu se nedali dohromady v prvním díle, jak jsem očekávala. no prostě pro tu jejich tension momentálně žiju. . 5*/5*, rozhodně jedna z těch lepších YA.

10/10 book. Keeps you on your toes wondering what will happen next! Iko was an iconic character. I would recommend and I don’t even like reading!!!

10/10 book. Keeps you on your toes wondering what will happen next! Iko was an iconic character. I would recommend and I don’t even like reading!!!

the love story was mid (I didn’t like how it was written) but the plot and politics 🔥🔥🔥

Cinder (book one of the Lunar Chronicles) takes place in a dystopian world 126 years post World War IV. Linh Cinder is a cyborg mechanic in New Beijing, capital of the Eastern Commonwealth. This is where she meets Crown Prince Kai, when he comes in her shop to have his android fixed. There is a mysterious deadly plague called Letumosis that’s sweeping the world, with no known cure. The emperor has been recently infected, leaving the Prince desperate to find an antidote while also preparing to take over as ruler. Things are also tense between Earth and the Lunar people of the moon. The devious Queen Levana threatens war unless they could agree on a peace treaty. The only thing she wants? To be the new emperor’s bride. And the queen has her ways to get what she wants… So how do I feel about this book? Well I am a bit conflicted. I did enjoy it very much but there were some things that didn’t quite work for me. The good: -I loved the premise. Cyborg Cinderella in a dystopian future? It’s a very interesting twist on the fairytale classic we all know -I liked Cinder’s spunk and wit. She could hold her own, and didn’t turn into some lovesick teenager upon meeting the prince -Iko, Cinder’s android sidekick was probably my favorite character in the book. She’s got a very quirky personality, especially for an android! I wished there was more of her in the story -The Sailormoon aspects: The Lunar people/colony: the handsome, good-hearted prince, evil Queen. I was a fan of Marissa Meyer’s work back in her Aliciablade days, so when I heard about this book I was very excited to read it. It was easy to imagine the characters as characters from Sailormoon– although I’m not sure if that was the intent of the author, or it’s because I’ve read so much SM fanfic in the past -Intergalactic politics- which was only lightly touched on, but I hope we will delve deeper in future installments The not-so good: -The secondary characters weren’t fully fleshed out: Evil Queen is Evil, Bitchy step-mother is a big ol’ B, etc. -If you are looking for a YA Dystopian like Hunger Games or Divergent, this is much lighter on dystopia, with little to no action. I also thought the lack of explanation about the last World War, about the Lunar people and overall world building left more to be desired. I am hoping more will be revealed in the next book. -It was predictable: I already guessed the twist/reveal as soon as they mentioned the missing Lunar heir. (view spoiler)[ (hide spoiler)] -The cliffhanger ending. When I first finished Cinder, it left me anxious for Scarlet. I wanted it, like, ASAP. After letting the it soak in for about a day, though, I kind of feel cheated. It felt like the book just ended, right when everything was getting exciting. But maybe I wouldn’t have felt the same if I already had Scarlet in my hands. Overall: Though I thought this fell short as a dystopian book, it was an entertaining read and kept my interest all the way through. Cinder was endearing as a heroine, and I enjoyed how this story linked to the original fairytale. This was a good opening to this series, lots of buildup that made me crave more. I will definitely be picking up the sequel when it comes out. 3.5 out of 5 stars

It took me a while to get into this book, but by the last bit, I was very invested. I think this book was very well written and the plot was carefully thought out. I appreciated the small details that worked together to reveal plot twists.
My only complaints are that the main characters lack personality. I wish there was more depth to them. Additionally, I think Cinder’s minimal mourning of her sister was unrealistic. Grief lasts a long time and I wish that would have been represented better.

An amazing sci-fi retelling of Cinderella as a cyborg!! This book was written 12 years ago and I’m now wondering why it took me so much before I got into it. Set in the dystopian city of New Beijing, a country in the Eastern Commonwealth, established 126 years after the fourth world war. Cinder is an orphan an a mechanic of the Linh family’s stall at the shops who suddenly gets the attention of Prince Kai, heir to the throne. But when a deadly disease suddenly starts rampaging throughout the country, Cinder is suddenly caught up in a mess that will later reveal a lot about her past, and a power she doesn’t know yet. From there, the story is a reimagining of Cinderella, but swap the pumpkin and glass slipper for robots! The worldbuilding was very easy to follow and the storytelling was absolutely fun. A reader would immediately know that the series has lots of potential. The pacing was a bit off at times which made the book feel dragging, nevertheless I can’t wait to read the sequel!

Comecei a ler este livro e não parei! Estava na minha lista "para ler" há demasiado tempo, mas finalmente foi para a lista "lido"! É uma história muito mais interessante do que aquilo que estava a espera! Não sou grande fã de Cinderela, mas a maneira como isto está escrito e reinventado, torna a história tão mais interessante e diferente! Não sei se já ouviram falar, mas é uma espécie de um livro futurista mas da Cinderela, mas não como a conhecemos, mas sim como uma cyborg que vive com a sua madrasta e as irmãs. A Cinder é o mecânico mais conhecido da cidade e é surpeendida quando o príncipe aparece na banca dela para pedir que ela arranje o androide dele. Bem diferente da história inicial, não é? Torna-se ainda melhor!

First Read: OCTOBER 2012 Okay, something needs to be said. It's usually the books that I'm the most reluctant to read at first that turn out to be the best. Go Cinder! Now, I will try my hardest to wait until 2016 before I even think of this series again. Unfortunately, we all know it won't happen that way. **update** nov 2nd I have time, so I'm going to elaborate on this book a tad. First, tho, I'll start with the story of how me and this book came together. I first saw this book at Sams Club (one of my favorite stores. Usually has all the good books, for really low prices. The downside is that there's not much selection). It was month's ago. I'm not even sure how long ago. Probably about two or so weeks after it came out. So, I saw this book, looked at the cover. looked at the title. I thought, "That's a Cinderella retelling". I think I picked it up and read the description, but I might not have. Either way, I put it down and did not put it on my list. Fast forward a couple to several months. I joined a group here on goodreads. That group decided to read Cinder. So i put it on hold at the library and waited for, like, two months to get it. I got it. Along with, like, five other books. I read the five other books first,. Finally, Reluctantly, with no books left, I picked this up. And started reading it. And stayed up reading it until my mom came into my room and said "Monica, you have to get up at six tomorrow. sleep." (side point: That tomorrow was a saturday. Yes, i did have to get up at six. on a saturday. oh, the unfairness) the next day, I woke up at six and went to Master Drive (Driver's ed). it lasts for eight hours, from eight in the morning to four in the afternoon, with little ten-minute breaks and one 4 minute break for lunch. Like a nerd, I read through all the breaks. And went home. And read. and finished it. Then got on goodreads to talk about how much I loved it. I'm not sure which group I had to read this for (I'm a part of too many) but thank you. Were it not for you, I would never have read this book.

predictable but still very fun :3 excited to continue the series

I love retellings that dare to step away from the traditional fairytale setting, and actually offer a new and fresh viewpoint to the original story. I love that this is loosely based on Cinderella, but still managed to maintain its own originality. I enjoyed everything about this book from the world-building to the characters and the plot. I really hope we get to find out more about the world and the history that comes with it, but I assume that is going to happen in the next books. In any case I am really looking forward to see how the story will unfold.

Very very entertaining. Sort of predictable, just like most fairytales (with this being a Cinderella retelling) but the setting was great and when you think it’s gonna be super predictable, they throw you a curve ball here and there and it’s all the more effective.

One of the most original retelling I've ever read, its so easy to pretend its a different story than Cinderella. A definite must read to fairy tales lovers.

The Lunar Chronicles as a whole is simply an amazing series that could be enjoyed and loved by all ages.
If you love retellings, Marissa Meyer is your girl. This retelling however didn’t just give the Prince a name. Oh no, no, no, THIS retelling is really a complete reimagining of the Cinderella story WITH so many original elements and plot lines tied in.
“What if Cinderella is a cyborg?” is the easy way to describe this book. “What if Cinderella took place in futuristic sci-fi Asia where she works as a mechanic and receives a very SPECIAL fixing job from a Royal customer? And she’s a cyborg and hiding it.”
Read it, it’s literally amazing!

A fun and easy read, but also kind of predictable. I do want to read the next books though to find out what will happen next.

*re-read 2018 Loved it just as much the second time around! It's so nice to go back, after knowing everything that happens in the end. I'm so excited to jump into Scarlet next! Orignal review: AH-MAZING. There was so much hype around this book and it lived up to it, I promise. The story was so well crafted, the characters so different and captivating. I couldn't put it down. Next time I'm in a book store, I'm buying book 2. I honestly CANT WAIT.

Very entertaining. I love it.

This is 100% a must-read for everyone. Cannot recommend this book enough

** spoiler alert ** this book surprised me with everything. The whole story line about these people living on earth and lunar people on the moon. Some lunar live on earth but they are slaves. Cyborgs, mechanics, a missing princess. Everyone is looking for the missing princess Selene who died long ago but theories are she is still alive somewhere, hidden for all these years. We have of course the evil stepmother and sister in this story, from the classic Cinderella but of course with a huge twist around it. This prince Kai (who I imagine to be gorgeous). And then towards the ending, god damn how much I loved that. And I was shocked I definitely did not expect that to happen in the ending.

One of my favorite reads of the year.

Book #45 Read in 2016 Cinder by Marissa Meyer This is the first book in the young adult science fiction/fantasy series of fairy tale retellings. In this book, Cinder is a cyborg Cinderella. The prince falls in love with Cinder the mechanic without knowing who and what she really is. This was a good entertaining read. I will continue this series.

Kai shrugged and turned to Cinder. His eyes softened a little with a polite bow of his head. "I hope our paths will cross again," “really? In that case’ I guess I’ll keep following you.” She regretted the joke for half a breath before Kai laughed. A real laugh, and her chest warmed.
I’m gonna die this is so cute and the joke was funny