Cirque Du Freak

Cirque Du Freak

Darren Shan2000
Book 1 of The Saga of Darren ShanA New York Times Bestseller Cirque Du Freak is the frightening saga of a young boy whose visit to a mysterious freak show leads him on a journey into a dark world of vampires. Author Darren Shan's vivid detail and original voice will have young readers glued to their seats in terror. Filled with grotesque creatures, murderous vampires, and a petrifying ending, Cirque Du Freak will chill, thrill, and leave readers begging for more.
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Photo of Elisavet Rozaki
Elisavet Rozaki @elisav3t
1 star
May 20, 2024


Photo of Anton
3 stars
Feb 12, 2024

If you like other Malcolm Gladwell’s books, you’ll like this one. The story is captivating and well written, and it makes a good story to tell to your friends at a bar. Comparing to some other books by the same author (Outliers, Talking to Stranger), this book’s message is less vivid and less actionable.

Photo of Benedict Neo
Benedict Neo@benedict
5 stars
Dec 31, 2023

The Law of the Few - Connectors, Mavens, Salesmen, The power of context, The concept of Tipping point All are crucial ideas that explain about social epidemics.

Photo of Jaiden Ratti
Jaiden Ratti@jaiden
3 stars
Dec 18, 2023


Photo of Geoffrey Froggatt
Geoffrey Froggatt@geofroggatt
3 stars
Nov 29, 2023

This book introduces a character named after the author, Darren Shan, as he gets wrapped up in the world of Cirque du Freak, a magical and sinister circus that comes to town. The protagonist is a young boy and there are no bizarre twisted love stories or love triangles here. There is a touch of youth, the circus, a truly incredible unique world setting, and the tests and bonds of friendship, family, and faith. At first the plot seemed too young to me, the writing slightly awkward, too childlike and easy to zip through, to where I was wondering if the intended audience was too young for me to enjoy this story. However, almost midway through the author picked it up and the tale became absolutely fascinating with improved literary style. Also the author employed too many exclamation marks at first, reminding me of Goosebumps but with darker themes for older kids. This is definitely not your typical magical middle school kind of read. It does not shy away from graphic violence and gory scenes, but it also wasn't too much to the point that makes you gag. I'd say it's just a healthy amount for a middle school book. I can see why this series is popular. It is very enjoyable and easy to read. It does not have that epic plot and adventure. This book feels more like a prologue to a bigger series. Even so, it manages to hook my attention until the end. The characters were great. I especially love the relationship Darren had with his family and also with Steve. I have a feeling we'll see more of him in the series soon enough. The pacing was just alright, not too fast paced but it doesn't waste time on filler either. I recommend this book for kids who outgrew Goosebumps but still love the horror genre.

Photo of Geoffrey Froggatt
Geoffrey Froggatt@geofroggatt
3 stars
Nov 29, 2023

Darren Shan was just an ordinary schoolboy - until his visit to the Cirque Du Freak. Now, as he struggles with his new life as a Vampire's Assistant, he tries desperately to resist the one temptation that sickens him, the one thing that can keep him alive. But destiny is calling... and the Wolf Man is waiting. The ensemble of bizarre circus characters was truly intriguing - from his new friends and the unusual problems they face, to the leaders in charge who he must be wary of in both power and crossing lines, to some of the difficult and at times morally questionable work, Darren is also cursed with trying to accept what he now is and what he must do to survive. Sounding more emo than it really is, the boy doesn't struggle too much on page but instead experiences with a rampage of other emotions relating to interesting plot details. Mr. Crepsley is slowly growing on me. I could have done without him the first book, took him or left him, but here he's more enjoyable in his role. It's a little over 200 pages, and with the quick action and something new always happening, it's a quick read. Even if there is a vampire theme and the cover is a bit eerie for youngsters, it's more of a drama piece than anything thrillerish. There are horrifying incidents that occur, but these are all seriousness, no cheese.

Photo of Benedict Neo
Benedict Neo@bneo
5 stars
Sep 7, 2023

The Law of the Few - Connectors, Mavens, Salesmen, The power of context, The concept of Tipping point All are crucial ideas that explain about social epidemics.

Photo of Briar's Reviews
Briar's Reviews@briarsreviews
4 stars
Jul 31, 2023

The Vampire's Assistant was an excellent young adult novel that is full of thrills and chills! I watched the movie adaption of this series YEARS ago, and I had been dying to pick up this series. Unfortunately for me, the bookstore is big and full of millions of books so I'd forget what I was looking for the minute I walked in. Luckily for me, I walked into a bargain bookstore and found an old, extremely damaged version of this book for clearance - so of course I bought it! A little water never hurt anybody! I hadn't read the first book in this series, but jumping right in was super easy! This book was fun, full of silly frights and awesome character development, and made me remember why I loved vampire novels in my youth! This book is quick - it moves fast and keeps you interested at every turn. There's some really creepy bad guys, Evra (the snake boy), a wolf man, and some awesome parental-yet-not-so-parental adults hanging around. It's definitely the type of horror book I would read as a kid (but it doesn't scare me at all now - adult me has worse things to be afraid politics and bills...ick). I highly recommend this book to anyone considering introducing their children to YA books with horror or vampires in it. It's fun and creepy in all good ways! It'll keep the adults interested too! Four out of five stars!

Photo of Sarah
5 stars
Jul 14, 2023

It has been so long since I've last read this series. I used to be so obsessed, and I guess I still am XD I wish the writing was a little more complicated and detailed, but given that it's YA that's not so much an issue for me. The style matches its intended audience so I really can't complain. In terms of first novels, this was definitely a captivating introduction. I absolutely got caught hook, line, and sinker. It wouldn't have been a very good stand alone novel--it's very obvious that it was intended as a series. Tbh I lowkey wish Mr. Crepsley was a sexier anti-villain, but this is a YA novel so the vampires don't have to be sexy... but still... the heart wants what the heart wants XD bUT, this book/series will always remain one of my faves because when I say I want vampires, this is exactly what I mean!!! Dark, brooding, gothic, creepy creatures of the night who have complicated relationships with life and death, and are not at all one-dimensional. Tbh, this is just an overall, well-written novel, and idk if Darren Shan writes novels for adult audiences, but I really have to check it out because if he does I must read some!

Photo of Lorenz Herrmann
Lorenz Herrmann@lorenzherrmann
0.5 stars
Jul 1, 2023

Einfach nur langweilig und ohne sinnvollen Inhalt der einen wirklich weiterbringt.

Was bringt es mir zu wissen das es 3 Arten von Leuten gibt die einen Hype auslösen können, oder über 30 Seiten darüber warum Kinder bestimmte Serien gucken, einfach null Mehrwert...

Photo of Yuval Shoshan
Yuval Shoshan@yuvals
5 stars
Apr 18, 2023

One of the best.

Photo of Bri Billaney
Bri Billaney@spork
5 stars
Apr 16, 2023

I'm reviewing the whole series here. Overall the series gets a 4/5 stars. It was super good, and I enjoyed the type of vampires that are described here, which are vastly different from the likes of Edward Cullen and The Salvatore Bros. This is gritty, grungy, and immersive in the world of vampires, death, and mystery.

Photo of Colleen
4 stars
Apr 15, 2023

4.5 Stars I like Gladwell's writing style very much. I enjoyed The Tipping Point even more than Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. Both books follow the same format: using various case studies, theories, and studies to support a thesis. But I felt that The Tipping Point had a deeper impact. It seemed to have a more profound sociological message. More than being just a business or psychology aid, The Tipping Point can easily be applied to so many everyday situations. And it is written in such a way that it can be readily understood by most people even if they don't have a background in business or psychology. Gladwell is definitely a talented storyteller. But he isn't telling fiction. He wades through countless interviews, case studies, research papers, and psychological studies to present the most relevant and interesting items to prove a larger point. And he tells it all in an easy-to-read and captivating way. What could trendy shoes, STDs, religious movements, or children's shows possibly have in common? In The Tipping Point, Gladwell explains how ideas, trends, and even diseases move in similar ways. He discuses how to promote the good things (such as a brand) or reduce the bad ones (disease). He also discuses why some ideas fail to catch on or "stick." I always loved reading case studies in school. That's probably why I enjoy Gladwell's books so much. The most interesting cases have been plucked out and lined up in a nerdy buffet for me to ponder. The book covers such a wide range of topics (rather than focusing tightly on one area the way many similar books do) that I never lost interest. My one critic is that sometimes Gladwell gets a little caught up in the details of interviews. This usually happened when he was describing what an interviewee was wearing or the room they were in. My favorite parts were the sections about character in context and apply the ideas of The Tipping Point to social change. About the first, Gladwell sites psychological studies about how a person's character is a much more fluid thing than we usually want to think. Just the word "character" indicates something rock solid and stalwart. But when you think about it, people do act differently in different situations. They behave differently around family than around coworkers or strangers. They also behave very differently in stressful situations. Gladwell said, “Character isn't what we think it is or, rather, what we want it to be. It isn't a stable, easily identifiable set of closely related traits, and it only seems that way because of a glitch in the way our brains are organized. Character is more like a bundle of habits and tendencies and interests, loosely bound together and dependent, at certain times, on circumstance and context.” Which would explain how one person can act so differently yet not be being fake. Or in the extreme, how a seemingly decent person could get caught up in mob mentality or resort to cannibalism in a dire circumstance. The latter idea about using these theories for social change was also very interesting. Small actions, such as cleaning up graffiti, can actually decrease crime for instance. Gladwell considers how small actions or ideas can be "tipped" one way or the other to influence anything from teen smoking rates to suicide. I really like the quote, “A critic looking at these tightly focused, targeted interventions might dismiss them as Band-Aid solutions. But that phrase should not be considered a term of disparagement. The Band-Aid is an inexpensive, convenient, and remarkably versatile solution to an astonishing array of problems. In their history, Band-Aids have probably allowed millions of people to keep working or playing tennis or cooking or walking when they would otherwise have had to stop. The Band-Aid solution is actually the best kind of solution because it involves solving a problem with the minimum amount of effort and time and cost.” Don't underestimate those Band-Aids! This review fulfills the "Nonfiction Book" category of the Popsugar reading challenge.

Photo of Rama WR
Rama WR@vazrshavskya
4 stars
Mar 26, 2023

Still reading, overall is good but there should be something i can conclude after i'm finishing this book

Photo of Beau
3 stars
Feb 21, 2023

It's standard Gladwell; fascinating sociological insights into how peculiar things happen and why people follow one another even in the most extreme of cases (his case studies on how Hush Puppies were tipped by a bunch of cool kids in East Village, the connections between high-school shootings post Columbine, and wide-spread pseudo-sickness, and how all these areas are heavily influenced via the most unlikely of things were particularly fascinating) It took a while to get into his train of thought, at least longer than Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking - but once that happened is was a joyous as any given Gladwell book/podcast/listen. 3 and a half stars.

Photo of Lord Aragorn
Lord Aragorn@lordaragorn
3 stars
Feb 19, 2023

Some interesting insights but the book didn't hold my attention as much as "Outliers".

Photo of Keven Wang
Keven Wang@kevenwang
4 stars
Feb 4, 2023

Is it just me, I prefer Malcolm’s later works than his earlier endeavors?

Photo of Erwin Lemuel Oliva
Erwin Lemuel Oliva@erwinoliva
5 stars
Jan 26, 2023

Malcolm Gladwell is a genius. He's a great story teller and he can make trivial stuff interesting. the mark of a true journalist!

Photo of Ivy X
Ivy X@poisonivayy
3 stars
Jan 10, 2023

Really enjoyed the hush puppies, Sesame Street, and bystander effect sections. The afterword was also very interesting as they questioned what the Columbine shooting did to other students who were inspired by the unfortunate incident.

Photo of Arturo Hernández
Arturo Hernández@artthh
5 stars
Jan 3, 2023

The book presents an essay attempting to understand why certain events reach epidemic levels of presence. It presents a model stating specific laws and profiles that help with this. It has a lot of case studies that exemplify the theory Malcolm shows and it states, quite frequently, that there is still more to this than what he showcases. I appreciated the fact that he quotes several books and authors that presented diverse related theories (some of them supporting his point of view, some others that don’t). I really enjoyed this book :)

Photo of caroline
5 stars
Sep 2, 2022

very well written

Photo of Yasser Yahia
Yasser Yahia@yasseryahia
5 stars
Sep 2, 2022

One of the most amazing books I've ever read, lots of new stuff to know and learn with every new chapter. Some how it made me trust my believe that the impossible is not that hard even more :-) It is a recommended book for everyone and I really mean everyone. Preparing myself for the new book for Malcolm Gladwell :)

Photo of Adam
4 stars
Aug 18, 2022

All creators want to see their finished products get broad attention. This book investigates that illusive point where things fall in line, momentum begins to build and success is inevitable. Like with other Gladwell books, The Tipping Point is peppered with stories that seem unrelated at first, but are always brought back to the central theme (something I wish I was as good at). It's an entertaining book, and an informative book, but I felt it was missing a way to FIND a tipping point.

Photo of Queena Li
Queena Li@queena-li
3 stars
Aug 4, 2022

Gladwell's writing accomplishes something very special in that, he makes the world seem connected in secret, powerful ways. He writes longform pieces on the most menial of topics and then has them read like topical op-eds. I enjoy the way Malcolm Gladwell sees the world. That being said, I often finds his essay collections poorly structured and repetitive. They aren't as wholly cohesive as they are individually. They aren't streamlined to tell any comprehensible set of thoughts, just various cases strung together to share in a similiar theme. The second half of his books, especially, just seem to lose momentum. The essays don't connect, which may be the intent, but I really think bringing everything together in the end would be more satisfying to read. I wish Gladwell would stop ending his books on restating his thesis and instead, structure his collections the way he organizes each piece. I wish he would present facts, evaluate them, expand on them, and then bring everything back together to isolate some new, previously overlooked point of association. While "The Tipping Point" was thematically fascinating (i.e. how/when epidemics occur, what we can learn from them, how their lessons better our lives, etc), I found the latter chapters to be far less compelling than his initial arguments. They dragged on aimlessly. I would have prefered fewer business examples and more personal stories, but that may just be a personal preference. Gladwell is, after all, a business writer so I can understand when his interests gravitate towards that area. This is still worth reading for anyone who has ever wondered about the nature and dynamic of how ideas (are) spread.


Photo of Phuong Do
Phuong Do@donamphuong

These three characteristics one, contagiousness; two, the fact that little causes can have big effects; and three, that change happens not gradually but at one dramatic moment are the same three principles that define how measles moves through a grade-school classroom or the flu attacks every winter

Photo of Phuong Do
Phuong Do@donamphuong

The Tipping Point is the biography of an idea, and the idea is very simple. It is that the best way to understand the emergence of fashion trends, the ebb and How of crime waves, or, for that matter, the transformation ot unknown books into bestsellers, or the rise of teenage smoking, or the phenomena of word of mouth, or any number of the other mysterious changes that mark everyday life is to think of them as epidemics. Ideas and products and mes- sages and behaviors spread just like Viruses do.