City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments #6)


po déle než měsíci jsem konečně dočetla sérii nástroje smrti. během čtení čtvrtého a pátého dílu jsem si říkala, jestli celé téhle sérii nedám tak 3/5, protože se mi to nelíbilo, bylo to klišé, byla tam spousta promarněných šancí... ale po přečtení posledního dílu jsem si to všechno rychle rozmyslela. nástroje smrti budou jedna z mála sérii, na které budu vzpomínat do konce života, protože to je přesně taková ta známá supr série, která vám v tom srdci prostě zůstane. Svět lovců stínů je nepředvídatelný, strašidelný, ale i plný lásky a propojený s dalšími díly Cassandry Clare, což mi přijde naprosto báječný. bude mi chybět. nemyslela jsem si, že budu další z lidí, kteří mají rádi nástroje smrti, ale je to tak. vážně se mi po tom světě bude stýskat. a nemůžu se dočkat, až se pustím do dalších sérií ze stejného světa. co se samotné recenze ohledně posledního dílu týče, tak musím uznat, že jsem nebyla zklamaná. ano, milostný vztah mezi clary a jacem jsem pořád sem tam nezvládala, musela jsem se pousmát absurditě postav, ale ke konci už na mě dopadla celá tíha toho, že tady děj skončí a že už dost možná čtu o protivné clary a arogantním jaceovi naposledy. a můj milovaný simon, jak ten mi bude chybět. rozhodně se zařadil na seznam mých nejoblíbenějších postav vůbec. ✩ dávám 5/5, dokončení série mi přišlo skvělý, taky se tam nakouslo to propojení dalších postav, které jsou hlavními hrdiny v jiné sérii CC... nemám úplně co vytknout.


*update 8/7/21

My review for this book is definitely long overdue as it was one of my favorite 2022 reads. This was a wonderful, emotional, and thrilling conclusion to six-book series of The Mortal Instruments. The Dark War is looming, the Shadowhunter factions are in mourning and broken while Idris is in chaos. Sebastian and his army are close to completion of their plans for the destruction of the Nephilim and only Jace, Clary, Alec, Simon, and Isabelle can save their kind from demise. All of our favorite characters come together in this action-packed book! As the story of Jace and Clary comes to a close, everything falls in full circle. And though I can say this wasn’t as heartbreaking as Clockwork Princess, it was heart-wrenching in its own way, meeting both new and old characters once more. It was such a journey getting to know the TMI gang and I wish I could read this for the first time again.

I don't how I'm supposed to be okay until fall 2015. I feel some of the intensity of this book was cheated out of it for two reasons: 1) I knew six characters were going to die. I was waiting for them, I was braced, and I KEPT A LIST GOING and every time a character died I was like "Whew. One more of my characters is safe." 2) The last two books, City of Fallen Angels and City of Lost Souls kept building up to this end of the world scenario. Magnus dreamt of a world with city made of bones where blood ran through the streets. And yet, I went into this knowing that four years later, Emma Cartair's biggest problem will be that she's in love with her parabatai. Regardless, this book was beautiful. I'm not a big weeper. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I'm not a big weeper. I did not weep during this book. At one point I came close, though. Gotta talk about some spoiler-y stuff. (view spoiler)[ When Izzy got bitten by that demon, I dropped the book and scrambled away from, as far away as I could get without falling off my bed, shouting: "No! No! No! Not! Just, not! Nnn!" After several minutes with no reaction from the book, I crept back towards it and turned the page. "Isabelle gasped" and I nearly DIED with relief. Then, we have that point where Clary ran Sebastian through with the sword, and he then he was normal for like two minutes and he was good and he did his best to help them. Out of all the deaths in this book, this one affected me the most. Jordan's death happened too quickly, and again, I was expecting it. I moved on, Unfazed. Maureen's death--I had to go back a couple pages and reread because I was like "Wait, did she actually just die?" But still, no emotion was aroused in me. Sebastian's death, though--there was something so poignant and human about his final moments. And then we have the Simon thing. This is where I fell apart. Throughout those last couple chapters, I kept saying "I don't know how I'm supposed to be okay with this. I don't think I CAN be okay with this. I can't be okay with this." But as I continued to think, I realized something. "He can't have forgotten. Maybe in his mind, but not in his soul. I believe that there are things--experiences, people--that leave marks on your soul, and those marks are not so easily erased. He must remember... in his soul.>/i> and fuck it, I WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He did remember in his soul, and that just filled me with joy. What fills me with EVEN MORE JOY is the fact that SIMON IS GONNA BE A SHADOWHUNTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 BOOYAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Btw, if anyone saw that video on booktube where Christine mentioned there was a spoiler on the inside flap of CoFH and hasn't figured it out yet, it's that. Simon has marks. SO does Maia, though and that makes no damn sense but whatever. I'm happy. (hide spoiler)] Regardless, I am now far more excited for TDA because there's obviously going to more going on that Emma being in love with Julian. For instance, I WANT TO KNOW why Emma's parents weren't turned. Might it have something to do with their lineage? Also, there's obviously gonna be a war with the faeries and Emma's gonna get a tapestry and it's gonna be amazing. Can't wait. Still have no idea how I'm going to be okay until fall 2015. peace out, suckas. 2014?!?!?!?!?!? DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE, CASSANDRA CLARE????? Because I have told myself that I'm not allowed to reread everything until City of Heavenly Fire comes out, I'm going to leave a link to a book discussion about TID-TMI connections here so I can go back and look for all this stuff when I'm allowed to reread the whole of TMI and TID. I'll probably end up annotating the books, but since CP and CP2 are both Collector's First Editions, I'm not sure how I'll do that. Post-it notes, probably. http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/1...

3,75 stars! Although I think this book was unnecessarily long, I did enjoy it as a final book. There are some uncleared things but oh so many feels! :’) This book is my 2nd favorite after City of Glass and that means a lot since there are 6 books in this series 🙄

City of Heavenly Fire: 4/5 The end of an era. I have officially done it. I have finished The Mortal Instuments. This book is a JOURNEY. Looking back, I'm realizing that so much happened within this book it is kinda hard to put into words or a review. I feel like I lived 100 lives while reading all 725 pages. I definitely believe this is the best Mortal Instuments book out of the six. The pacing in this one felt right, and a bit like TMI 4 and TMI 5 were only to set up this book. Honestly, it's worth it in my opinion. While still introducing new plot points, Cassandra Clare beautifully wraps up TMI and puts a big freaking bow on top. I absolutely ADORED the reintroduction of old characters from The Infernal Devices, and new characters that I assume we will explore more within The Dark Artifices. How Cassandra Clare does this so seamlessly is beyond me. Although A LOT happens within this book, it never felt rushed, confusing, or chaotic. Cassandra Clare's writing is so easy to follow and yet so descriptive the reader truly has no choice but to escape into the book and slip into the shadowhunter world. It felt more like a puzzle where each piece were all the questions that came from previous TMI books (and even the ending of TID) and with each page another piece fell into place. As more questions were answered though, the reader is also introduced to entirely new ones. I think what is so unique about the shadowhunter world is how everything is connected. Every new character you meet has some deeper connection with the old ones you've grown to love so it all feels like this wonderful spiderweb of interconnected family and love. It's honestly so unique and what sets this series apart from any other series I've ever read. Was The Mortal Instruments my favorite series? No. But I definitely do not regret reading it. I am so enthralled by this world and I am extremely happy that I committed myself to this long journey. This genuinely felt like an amazing end to a chapter, or the end of an era. I am so ready for the next one to begin!


I'M HAPPY BUT I'M ALSO CRYING HOLY COW I love the whole series but this book!!!!!!! A roller coaster of emotions,I'm going to miss the characters so much, I'm in love with the Shadow-hunters World, I'm definitely going to read all the series of Cassandra Clare and I can't wait to read TDA ♥

Even though there were so many characters to keep track of in this book (as per usual), it was much more manageable and easier to follow than other Shadowhunter books. The beginning of this book was slow but the last half of it made up for it. This book made me appreciate the interconnected nature of these books more than any other. I loved the little connections to the other books in the series, it really made me appreciate how big the world is in this franchise.

― I adore The Mortal Instruments series! I binge-read the whole thing and had such a blast doing so!
The characters are complex and lovable and I adored them all! Jace is such an interesting one, giving us angsty teenage boy realness - I love my emo son. His relationship with Clary was so intriguing and beautiful. Real "ride or dies".
Simon and Izzy are such a highlight! Magnus is amazing, but we all knew that. Plus, Maia! All characters have such interesting dynamics with each other!
This series is fun and intense, full of turns and revelations! The world is so vast and interesting!
Sebastian might be one of my all time favourite villains, he was so twisted and sad. In the end, all he wanted was to be loved, even though he had no idea what love was.

4.5⭐️ Some things I didn’t like about this series but overall I’ve really enjoyed TMI and this was a great end to it!

I was going to give this a 3, but honestly, this series is guilty pleasure reading for me. I know it's not brilliant literature. I know the plot is a mess and the series was just dragged out and there are so many faults that could be listed, but I actually enjoyed reading this book, so a 4 it is. City of Heavenly Fire introduces a bunch of new characters / perspectives. The book is written from basically everyone's perspective, which is a tragic decision, but I guess Cassandra Clare had to introduce those characters to interest people in the many spin-off series. A lot happens in this book! (Thank goodness, otherwise it would be 700+ pages of bleh.) The plot unfolds, the characters do their thing... I think my main issue was this book was that it was incredibly predictable. Nothing really surprised me. The good guys won, and although the body count is technically pretty high, since all the Endarkened died, none of the main characters are really impacted. Even Simon's memory comes back, and he becomes a Shadowhunter. Everyone the readers care about gets their happily ever after. Don't get me wrong, it's great for the fans, who would be devastated if any of their faves or ships died. However, I feel like when a book involves a war, especially one that is so relevant (where one species / person thinks they are superior, etc.) there is so much potential to make some meaning out of it. Sure, there are the war orphans - Emma, Julian, the rest of the Blackthorns - and the way that Helen was sent away just because she had faerie blood was a good representation of something that would actually happen. Yet I can't help but feel that the conclusion felt like the end of every other, smaller small battle. This was supposed to be a war, but it didn't feel like one, because it ended with a complete happy ending for every person who was relevant to the story. City of Heavenly Fire is an okay conclusion to this series, and fans of the previous books will like it (although it is even longer than the other books, which is ridiculous). That is all I have to say about it.

i’m really confused about how i feel about this book. i know there were ends that needed to be wrapped up but the ending what felt like the 2nd ending just made me want it all to be done. and now it is. and i don’t really know how i feel about the series overall and i don’t really understand why sebastian wanted to sleep with his sister ????? seemed like an unnecessary character trait

If anything, this book was a let down compared to all the other Cassandra Clare books I have read - and not in the fact that it was a final novel. When I read Clockwork Princess it was a let down because it was the final novel and I wanted more of the main characters, this book was quite the opposite. I found City of Heavenly Fire to be slow, boring and just not as attractive as all the other books in this series. I liked the story arc and path the characters took. These characters followed a great arc that didn't go off the path from what I would have expected. There wasn't anything out of place for the Mortal Instruments series, but it still left me with a bad taste in my mouth. The three main couples left off in okay places - I hadn't expected the main twist at the end, and I really didn't like it. It wasn't like some books that have a crazy twist at the end that fits the story (even if it is a negative twist that affects the characters in a negative way). That had me quite annoyed since it seemed random. Yes, it fit into the story, but it felt like the worst possible solution to the characters problems. The main "problem" I had with this story was that I didn't enjoy the introduction to the new characters from The Dark Artifices. I found that them being introduced seemed to distract me from the main story, and it didn't seem like it was necessarily to include them. Cassandra Clare did put them in the story in a way that they were involved, but I just didn't see it to be necessary to keep including them as a main point of view. I understand that they are the next series in this very large universe, but it felt out of place. Overall, this book left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I want more from these characters or the Infernal Devices characters, and this book left me not to interested in what will happen in the Dark Artifices. I feel like this book could have been a good finale for the entire universe. But, I will still read the Dark Artifices just to see if any of my favourites from this series or Infernal Devices show up. Three out of five stars.

I'm finally done, after 10 years!

I absolutely loved this book. I had it sitting on my shelf for about seven years, and I can't believe it's taken me this long to finish this series.
It was bittersweet to end, because I loved these characters and this world, but I know that this world continues in other series.
I stupidly read Emma and Julian's book series about four years ago, and I wish I hadn't, so that I could continue the series in a line, but it is what it is, and I don't know if I want to commit to rereading it. My memories are a little fuzzy about it, so maybe I will? Who knows?
Nonetheless, a 10/10 ending. It was sad yet happy at the same time. Perfect way to end it.

What can I say... I needed my closure :) I like Cassandra Clare's writing style most of the time: it genuinely makes me laugh out loud, ignoring some cringe-y, tiresome tearjerking/I'm-quirky lines. The biggest thing I had about this was that I quite like this universe, and given how many books she's spent fleshing it out (like really), there's a lot of potential for really interesting, deeper storylines or characterisations maybe. As much as I love Alec and Magnus (thank goodness for this one toning down slightly the Jace/Clary drama), it really feels like way too much time is spent waxing lyrical about each person's love life, and it does get to a point where the reader's like: "Okay... So..." There's that. No idea if I'll read the next series (holy cow), but honestly, knowing myself I'll probably pick it up when I'm feeling kinda lazy. EDIT 10 minutes later: actually I'm gonna go ahead and change this from three to two stars. Having sort of come off the high of finishing the book, more things occurred to me that are super confusing and weird that I don't really understand. I can't help but make comparisons between YA fantasy/adventure/action stories like this and Harry Potter (I know, I know; it's not fair) and there's a lot that makes the latter work—and indeed, burrow itself into a home in the reader's heart—that this book/series doesn't/won't/can't do. CoHF was a little disappointing as the grand finale of a six-book long series. I think in some way, the characters as well as the readers deserve to experience loss, and death, and heavy, real pain. It's not enough to declare "WORLD DESTRUCTION" and "LIFE-OR-DEATH" and "MAJOR SACRIFICES" and "INTENSELY HIGH STAKES" and then completely disregard those tag lines in the actual story. What have this motley crew of lovable misfits lost, really? Max, somewhere in the series. Um... Sebastian? I guess? I mean... Jordan, Raphael... A character death, especially at these climaxes at the final points of a journey, when the author owes it to everyone to really do justice to the integrity of her world and her creations, should hit you hard; it should hurt as much as Sirius falling through the the Veil or Tonks and Lupin lying pale and peaceful together or Dobby cradled in Harry's arms. (Sorry, but see how it still stays with you?) The nominal tragedies in TMI aren't sucker punches; they're more like minor scratches on your legs that fade fairly quickly, because it doesn't feel like there's a lot of effort put into letting the reader get to know them, or making them people that matter enough to be worth sobbing over. To be cynical about it, it's almost as if a few teenagers/young-adults were thrown together, sent on field trip of exciting ups-and-downs of not much consequence, cried a bit over their being jilted lovers, encountered some scary bad guys who don't seem to be all that much of a threat, then manage to save the day and have a happy-ever-after. It feels like a cop-out, and I'm reminded of the series finale of How I Met Your Mother, which, to me, negated nine seasons of character development and failed to give a true send-off to the beloved characters, who were supposed to be versions of their Season 1 selves with more experience, more maturity, and different world views. There's more that I want to say about this series but I can barely put those thoughts into words yet so until then... two stars and this rant.

Perfect ending to a great series

0.5 stars. Honestly, what was point of this book other than it being setup for TDA?

I read this series along time ago and thought they were trash. Again that was a couple years ago. Now I re-read the series this past month and I though it was actually really exceptional.

This was the absolute BEST out of the entire series. It was filled with laughs, action and heartbreak. It was simply everything and a great wrap up of Clary’s story

** spoiler alert ** Lo amo no puedo creer que haya terminado la saga llore por que Simón por que y cuándo le dice que no lo agarre y lo hace y la alarma y jace dice odio cuando Simón tiene razón JAJAJAJA lo amo llore mucho

Temper us in fire, and we grow stronger. When we suffer, we survive.

Freely we serve Because we freely love, as in our will To love or not; in this we stand or fall."

We are all the pieces of what we remember. We hold in ourselves the hopes and fears of those who love us. As long as there is love and memory, there is no true loss.

Forever does not make loss forgettable, only bearable.

“Freely we serve Because we freely love, as in our will To love or not; in this we stand or fall.”

“He is happy, Tessa. It gives him joy to see us together, as it always gave me joy to see the two of you.”

I have never wanted to live so much as I have these past few months, with you.”

“Heroes aren’t always the ones who win,” she said. “They’re the ones who lose, sometimes. But they keep fighting, they keep coming back. They don’t give up. That’s what makes them heroes.”

“I was going to kill someone today. I just wasn’t sure who when I woke up this morning. I do love mornings. So full of possibilities.”

“Oh God.” said Magnus, “They’re dead. They’re all dead!”
magnus alla fine di TWP be like:

“There will always be those who want to tell you who you are based on your name or the blood in your veins. Do not let other people decide who you are. Decide for yourself.”

“So I'm your first ever Shadowhunter, huh?” Alec said when they separated at last. “You're my first so many things, Alec Lightwood.”

“There are things our souls want, and mine wants you.”

“When our hearts break, they break into shards that cannot be easily fit back together.”
the finnick odair impact <3

“Because the world isn't divided into the special and the ordinary. Everyone has the potential to be extra ordinary.”

“Herondales.” Zachariah's voice was a breath, half laughter, half pain. “I had almost forgotten. No other family does so much for love, or feels so much guilt for it. Don't carry the weight of the world on you, Jace. It's too heavy for even a Herondale to bear.”
cassandra tu non ti devi mai più permettere

Jem: “I'm right here. Jace Herondale. And once more a Herondale is the object of my deliverance. I should have anticipated.”
i riferimenti a tid mi fanno sempre piangere stop