Case Studies in Bayesian Statistical Modelling and Analysis
Provides an accessible foundation to Bayesian analysis usingreal world models This book aims to present an introduction to Bayesian modellingand computation, by considering real case studies drawn fromdiverse fields spanning ecology, health, genetics and finance. Eachchapter comprises a description of the problem, the correspondingmodel, the computational method, results and inferences as well asthe issues that arise in the implementation of theseapproaches. Case Studies in Bayesian Statistical Modelling andAnalysis: Illustrates how to do Bayesian analysis in a clear and concisemanner using real-world problems. Each chapter focuses on a real-world problem and describes theway in which the problem may be analysed using Bayesianmethods. Features approaches that can be used in a wide area ofapplication, such as, health, the environment, genetics,information science, medicine, biology, industry and remotesensing. Case Studies in Bayesian Statistical Modelling andAnalysis is aimed at statisticians, researchers andpractitioners who have some expertise in statistical modelling andanalysis, and some understanding of the basics of Bayesianstatistics, but little experience in its application. Graduatestudents of statistics and biostatistics will also find this bookbeneficial.