The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August

Claire North2014

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Photo of Geetika
Geetika @geetening
3 stars
Dec 18, 2023

Only the beginning and the end were good. Thank god I stuck on through the boring middle part of this book. Actually the rating is 2.5 but apparently you can't give stars in half. So here..

Photo of p.
4 stars
Oct 23, 2023

This is difficult for me to rate since I did not feel too invested in the book between 10% and 75% of it. However, the ending section was so excellent, it really had me reeling in a way only Claire North achieves.

I read "Notes from the Burning Age" last year and it was easily my favourite book I read in 2022 9(or top 3 for certain). Which is where my issue is. NFTBA and TFFLOHA are very similar books, with some elements appearing heavily borrowed from each other. And while the latter is the first chronologically, I read "Notes" first and it cannot but affect my impression of the book. I also liked the setting there better.

However, TFFLOHA is still very fast-paced book that builds up gradually to insanity. Claire North has a great sense of drama and a good handle of writing trully impactful dramatic moments, and "Harry August" is full of them. The ending though, absolutely riveting. Eiichiro Oda writing Marineford type of riveting.

Half of this, of course, is the Vincent and Harry dynamic. Apologies for bringing up another author but having this next to Eli and Victor in "Viscious" has stripped V.E. Schwab off the one thing I liked about her writing. Now - and apologies if this is a spoiler - here is a toxic friendship and partnership turned life-or-death enmity with homosexual undertones.

(Do I wish there were more female significant characters, though? Yes, but North is making up for it with "The Songs of Penelope" books, the first of which is too fresh in my mind not to make me forgive her for previous transgressions).

Photo of D
3 stars
Jun 16, 2023

Frustratingly close to brilliant; a really surprisingly original idea and really intelligent in spots, but shallow and patchy. Weakest when it tries to do 'other countries' — China and India both paper-thin, in a way that feels less like limitations of culturally-bound narrator and more like limitations of the quick-Google-search approach to research (person called 'Patna' eg. lol). Genuinely enjoyed reading it despite this.

Photo of Rohan Uddin
Rohan Uddin@thesparrowfall
5 stars
Feb 3, 2023

I love time-travel tales. This one is an exception, a beautifully written Groundhog Day style narrative which kept me in its grip from the moment I read the first page. The plot is amazingly structured, with nice twists and turns and the style of the prose is strong and unique. The characters are amazing and we actually feel their emotions. This is a great achievement, and a very fine story.

Photo of aisha
4 stars
Jan 4, 2023

(3.5/5.0) I tried to read this November 2017, and obviously gave up. The pacing of the story of Harry August’s first fifteen lives is slow and steady. Action picks up somewhere in the mid-point but that’s pretty much it. The book albeit a slow read, always kept me curious. I like its structure too, we don’t get the whole story, only bits and pieces — it kept me engaged. Harry August isn’t that interesting of a character but he got the job done, I guess. There’s plenty of great quotes scattered in the book, I might add some to this review later. Final thoughts: good but tedious read.

Photo of Belle
4 stars
Nov 6, 2022

3.5 rounded up. There was a chunk in the middle that dragged, but the first and last thirds or so were great. The premise is really interesting, and I liked all the detail about the kalachakra and how they navigate the world. The ending was full of action, which was fun. I'd definitely read this again in future.

Photo of Janice Hopper
Janice Hopper@archergal
4 stars
Nov 2, 2022

What an interesting and well-done book! I'd heard good things about this book. The audio version came available from Scribd, so I listened to it almost straight through. It's a story of a group of people who die, only to be reborn and to live their lives over (and over, and over). It starts slowly. We discover what's happening along with the narrator. The story of his lives unfolds slowly. We learn how Harry comes to grips with who he is, and how he can spend the time that he has. And then there's the slow unfolding of the threat to Harry and to the whole world. Only Harry can fix it... It's easy to read a description like this and think "Oh, like Groundhog Day, or All You Need is Kill". Well, yes, it's kinda like that. But it's not any kind of imitation of either of those stories. Claire North has her own take on this genre. I'm still scratching my head, trying to figure out some of the implications of the world of these serial lifers. And I think maybe the books goes on just a little long for me. But it's GOOD. The writing is good and the ideas are interesting. The audiobook I listened to had an EXCELLENT narrator -- Peter Kenny. He really made the book for me. :)

Photo of Ri Liu
Ri Liu@riblah
3 stars
Aug 24, 2022

An intricately crafted and imaginative novel. Entertaining, but probably nothing more profound to be gained than that. It follows the standard morality of superhero tales --- of talented individuals superior to mere humans being the only ones blessed with agency and ability to change the world. I found the text itself a little hard to follow, it wasn't as flowy of a read as I would have liked.

Photo of Kyle S
Kyle S@kylesq9
5 stars
Aug 5, 2022

Whew what a book. I loved everything about it.

Photo of Natalia Hernandez
Natalia Hernandez@chubidubi
4 stars
Aug 2, 2022

Dejé una reseña en español en mi blog: That was kind of awesome. The story goes like this: Harry August is born in 1919, in England, he lives his life as any other mortal does and when he's old, he dies; but then he is born again, in 1919, with all the memories of his previous lives. The book shows us his first fifteen lives. Cool, huh? I loved this book, it was so much fun to read. It's not in chronological order so it was cool to try and put the story together, what had happened to him and other people he keeps meeting in different lives. It's an interesting concept and it makes you think about what you would do if you had that happened to you. Would you live completely different lives each time you got to be born again? Would you meet the same people? Would you love the same people? Endless possibilities! I loved that.

Photo of jam 🍯
jam 🍯@daymarkist
4 stars
Jan 29, 2022

A begrudging four stars to this thrilling science fiction/fantasy novel. I will say that it has a slow start and a stuffy tone at times, which is a totally understandable deal breaker to many, but speeds up as you go along. The third quarter is the most thrilling.

Photo of Hannah Derzanovich
Hannah Derzanovich@bluebooked
5 stars
Jan 26, 2022

This book was everything I wanted out of Touch and more. I loved the premise (time travel has always been something I've been interested in, even as a child) and the execution: it was clever, interesting, terrifying, and all I've ever hoped to read in a single book. Normally, I read a book, absorb the story, and move on. That didn't happen. I felt fear for Harry, an inevitable but destructive love for Vincent, the intense wish that I was also a kalachakra. (Who knows? Maybe this is my first life!) The only complaint I have is that it ended as it did. GIVE ME MORE.

Photo of Chiara Malaspina di Orezzoli
Chiara Malaspina di Orezzoli@lamorehaidenti
4 stars
Jan 19, 2022

Se per la prima metà ho pensato che non fosse poi così male, a partire dalla seconda parte ha fatto un salto di qualità notevole -almeno per quanto mi riguarda. Pensavo di aver letto abbastanza romanzi legati ai tempi non "lineari", che si parli di Wells, King o una più "semplice" Niffenegger, ma mi sono ampiamente ricreduta: l'ho apprezzato moltissimo e, strano a dirsi, ho amato profondamente il protagonista. Quattro stelline e mezzo, nell'enfasi.

Photo of Amanda Valentin
Amanda Valentin@valentin07
1 star
Jan 12, 2022

The main problem I had with this book was that it was was constantly flipping from life to life and it was difficult to follow. Also it took over 200 pages for the main plot line to speed up and become remotely interesting...I was highly disappointed in this book because it was a cool idea but it just was not executed well. Also it was highly predictable and the supporting characters were not well developed...

Photo of Maria
4 stars
Jan 7, 2022

не без клюквы, но темп держит. прочитала, по сути, пока торчала в аэропорту и за время полета. в советской части понравилось, как герой в 50-х годах приезжает в отдаленный северный поселок и там заходит в БАР, где ему кладут миску риса с бобами и наливают какой-то алкоголь, видимо самогон. спросила у мамы, был ли у них в деревне бар в её детстве. мама подумала и сказала, что была СТОЛОВАЯ, где по пятницам вечером и субботам, когда все шли из бани, наливали пива на разлив но такого сценария клэр норт, думаю, не могла себе представить

Photo of Sunyi Dean
Sunyi Dean@sunyidean
5 stars
Dec 17, 2021

I am so fucking angry over how good this book is. I might have to go void-scream into an abyss because of its incredible scope and ambition, of the depth and the beauty of its writing, of the sheer ridiculous scope of this story. I am RAGING with incredulous angry admiration and not even going to attempt a "proper" review--because I can't. I don't understand how it was written. I don't understand how it was put together. I can't conceive of such a concept being executed in such a way and, basically, the story utterly surpasses my ability to deconstruct.

Photo of Olivera Mitić
Olivera Mitić@olyschka
2 stars
Nov 24, 2021

2.5 stars I guess? Huh... I wanted to love this, and, in fact, I went into it thinking I would end up with a 5 star book, but what it turned out to be was rather underwhelming. One of the two main reasons for my dislike of this book is that, once I tried to wrap my mind around the concept Claire North created for this story, all I could see were plot holes and inconsistencies. Perhaps it was my fault, I might not have paid enough attention and the things that didn't make sense to me were actually explained at one point or another, but I just found it hard to ignore my didbelief of the whole thing. Or, as Deadpool would phrase it: The second problem I had with this book was the lack of personality Harry had. So many lives, and yet he lives as a paper cut out of a person. Most of the time he was annoying, and when he wasn't, he was boring. There was so much that could have been done with a character who gets to live so many lives, but it seems like the author chose not to explore it too much. Also, I suppose I took one more star off because of how late the actual plot appeared in the story. While the mere beginning was interesting, recounting random parts of Harry's life for multiple chapters at a time was tedious to get through. Once the plot was introduced, tho, it turned out to be rather meak. I expected so much more out of it. Summa summarum, I'd say I'm disappointed.

Photo of Mary Graham
Mary Graham@maryg26
4 stars
Nov 17, 2021

Almost the whole time I was reading this book I was figuring I was going to give this a 3.5 or 3 star rating, but it was those last few pages that bumped it up to 4 stars for me.

Photo of Anastaciya
3 stars
Oct 27, 2021

Good. Confusing at times, but things fall into place.

Photo of Elodia
2 stars
Oct 20, 2021


Photo of Jiayi
2 stars
Sep 4, 2021

2.5 stars

Photo of Samantha Ridge
Samantha Ridge@samjane
2 stars
Aug 30, 2021

I know that some people love this book, but I didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped to.

Photo of  Bruna Acioly Leão
Bruna Acioly Leão@bruna
4 stars
Aug 29, 2021

I have to reread this in print format because the audiobook confused me a bit and I feel it is the type of book I would enjoy more if I actually saw the words on the page. Other than that, I found the concept and the story absolutely fascinating. I love a good character driven story. But agan, probably not the easiest to focus on audio.

Photo of Adam
5 stars
Aug 17, 2021

I'm a sucker for stories where the main characters is stuck in a time loop. Groundhog Day and Edge of Tomorrow stand out, but this one took it to an entirely new level. The title itself is a giveaway for the time loop -- an entire lifetime. The concept of replaying your entire life sounds interesting, but the complications that come up when you (and perhaps others) can do this were problems I hadn't seen explored in Sci-Fi before.


Photo of High Fidelity
High Fidelity@highfidelity

Blackmail is surprisingly difficult to pull off. The art lies in convincing the target that whatever harm they do themselves–for, by definition, you are compelling them rather than coaxing them into obedience–is less than the harm which will be caused by the reve lation of the secrets in your power.

Chapter 36

Photo of High Fidelity
High Fidelity@highfidelity

Are you the only living creature that matters? Do you think, because you remember it, that your pain is bigger and more important? Do you think, because you experience it, that your life is the only life that gets counted? Do you?”

Chapter 13

Photo of Alesha Clifford
Alesha Clifford@aleshadclifford

Time is not wisdom; wisdom is not intellect.

Page 39

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