Lost Empire
Discovering a Confederate relic during a diving expedition in Tanzania, Sam and Remi Fargo learn of the existence of a second artifact that is being ruthlessly sought on multiple continents by a fast-rising Mexican political party. By the best-selling author of The Silent Sea.

Why do I keep coming back to the Fargo adventures? Because this needs to happen in my life. TOMB RAIDER X UNCHARTED FOREVER!!! Until my fangirl dreams are fulfilled I am going to be content with the second best thing - Clive Cussler's husband/wife treasure-hunting duo on a track to a new adventure. This time Sam and Remi are pursuing the lost ship that might change recorded history of early Latin America. There is zero character development, convenient conflict resolutions, and non-stop action - everything you need to dull your video gaming itch. Enjoyable fluff.

Abbe Castillo@abbec

Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance

J D@kdomasik

Charlotte Northam@sharotto
