Cold Days A Novel of the Dresden Files
Brought back to the mortal world as the Winter Knight to Mab, Harry Dresden is at the command of the Queen of Air and Darkness and is expected to kill an immortal, as he begins to realize there is a serious threat to endanger countless innocent victims unless he finds his way out of eternal subservience.
Kayla Ndife@vulpeculahex
Ben McDonald@bendmacd
Jeff Borton@loakkar
Emil Bashyrov@emil_odesa
Stefan Ladstätter-Thaa@stefan786
Michael Cowell@chaosweeper
Aubrey Hicks@aubreyhi
Deyton Sehn@deyton
Mitch Stewart@mitchbones
Stefan Kuznetsov@neosloth
shelby mosel@shelbymosel
Rhiannon Mansfield@rhiannon
Sujay Kathrotia@sujay
Cat Josephson@themorrigan12
Kaitlyn Knezevich @kaitlynmarae
Katerina Matzavinou @matzkat
Nast Marrero@nast
Ryan Anfinrud@jediofchrist
Katie @knix
Brittany Reynolds @emptynight
Paul beham@idontread