
Was hoping for this to be better, especially having read some of the original comics and seen and really liked them and the movie and the show. Haven’t followed any of the more recent stuff, and this whole thing has a different feel than those original comics did, this more in line with an average superhero comic that I’m not a fan of, and that theory seems to have some teeth with the inclusion of, and implied future focus of DC superheroes playing a significant role in the series in the future. Gotta say, I like the concept, and didn’t mind when certain characters showed up, but the execution left me feeling a lot to be desired. I understand that Constantine is a flawed and frankly imperfect dude, but he really comes off as pretty unlikable here, to me. Some of his dialogue was okay, but that’s probably the best thing I can say about this volume and of this version of the series as to what I’ve read so far. Have two more volumes that I have access to that I’ll read next, and give it a further chance, but right now, it’s a definite no for me. I also really didn’t gel with or appreciate the art, here, or the plot, and I feel like art is at least half of a comic, otherwise, why make it a comic? It felt kind of soulless (no pun intended), and corporate, and a little too slick for our boy in the khaki jacket, who’s stories usually feel kind of dirty and grimy and lived in, but human, and that’s what I’ve really liked about them in the past. The plot here also felt fairly predictable and on-rails to me, minus John’s signature twists, but even here, they feel kind of fast and lackluster. Here’s hoping that the series picks up and this was just a disappointing start.