Cracks in the Armor

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Publicado originalmente: El Extraño Gato del Cuento whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? That's NOT fair. You can't... You can't... D; GIVE ME MORE Este fue el definitivo para mí, NECESITO un libro completo con Chris y Sarah. Esta vez si puedo leer desde el punto de vista de Sarah, y me gustó lo que sentí, es completamente diferente de lo que tenía con Tenley. Sarah es más decidida, más cínica, un personaje más rico de leer, más querible incluso. Y Chris volvió a darme esa sensación de ternura sin quitarle todo lo que me gustó de él en Between the Cracks. Y ahí es dónde cobra sentido eso de capítulos sueltos mas que historia cortas, por lo general las historias cortas tienen una sensación de conclusión pero en Cracks in the Armor... ¡NO ME PUEDE DEJAR ASÍ! ¡Es injusto! --- Esta es la historia que quería *-* -> link Twitter || Blog || Pinterest || Tumblr || Instagram

This book was jointly reviewed by myself and my co-blogger, Becca! Lisa’s Thoughts: As with Between the Cracks, Cracks in the Armor was another way-too-short glimpse into the story of Chris and Sarah. As I’ve said many times before while reading this series, I just adore Chris and I would love to see more of him and Sarah. It hit me hard to see how much Sarah truly hates her job as well. She’s doing what she has to do to make ends meet, but man, she’s not enjoying that part of her life AT ALL. I keep saying this, but I really think Chris and Sarah need their own full-length book. Please, Helena, pleeeeease?? :D Becca’s Thoughts: Yes, Helena pretty, pretty please with a cherry on top?! We need more Sarah and Chris! I agree with Lisa this was just too short and I was so disappointed when it was over :( Sarah and Chris are really pulling at my heart strings and I like them both even more each time I read about them. They are both struggling to support themselves and the things they care about, Chris his family, and Sarah, school and her future. I agree they need a full length so that we can learn more about them, and I hope that we get to see some glimpses of the past when they first met etc. Fingers Crossed!! (Thanks to Pocket Star and Netgalley for the review copy!) Find this review and others like it at Lost in Literature!