The Loot

My dearest, shrimpiest Craig Schaefer. You know just I much I 💕lurves💕 you and stuff. You are, after all, one of the founding members of my Holy Quintuplicity of Utter Awesomeness (HQoUA™). And my Super Extra Yummy Boyfriend (SEYB™) Danny Faust's most beloved daddy (and therefore my most beloved daddy in law and stuff). Ergo, I very quite a lot logically well, um, you know, 💕lurves💕 you and stuff. (Also, Revanche Cycle and stuff. Also also, Jessie Temple Harmony Black. So QED and stuff.) But unfortunately regrettably lamentably unluckily, Charlie McCabe for me is not, and kidnap and stash her safely away in my High Security Harem adopt her I shall not. She might be my Danny Boy's newborn little sister, but come to care for her I did not. Yes, the plot of the book is fast-paced and entertaining enough (because you wrote it so duh and stuff), but [I never said what I'm about to say, ergo you never read it. Go home, you're drunk and stuff] it's nothing out of this word. And I never really got into it. Because it kinda sorta lacks the Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Schaefer Touch (SST™) that make all your other books Automatically Very Good (AVG™) and stuff. Granted, my nefarious little self is not exactly a fan of plain old mysteries and thrillers, and tends to find the lack of yummy demons and delicious magic and scrumptiously evil pets (oh my) pretty boring and stuff. Which might partly maybe explain why I didn't enjoy Charlie's adventures in, um, babysitting that very much indeed. Then again, there might be another, much simpler explanation to this very uncharacteristic Despicable Display of Despicable Book Taste (DDoDBT™) on my part. Yes, there might very well be. And what would that explanation be, you ask? Well that this book is Actually Quite Very Good Indeed (AQVGI™) and that I might perhaps have read it Very Terribly Wrong (VTW™). Maybe. Hahahahahaha. Just kidding. Signed: Your very much beloved lurving, murderous crustacean-breeding daughter in law. Yeah yeah yeah, I know this gif is disgustingly cute, but I have to try and make up for my revoltingly miserable rating here, okay? So cut me some bloody shrimping slack and stuff. · Book 2: The Insider ★★★★ [February 2019] A Craig Schaefer thriller? To be released August 1, 2019? P.S. It's already available for pre-order and stuff. (view spoiler)[ (hide spoiler)]