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Crave the captivating, addictive YA paranormal fantasy - with a bite

Tracy Wolff2020
'Crave is about to become fandom's new favourite vampire romance obsession' Hypable The one you crave is the one who could get you killed. The moment she steps foot inside, Grace knows there is nothing normal about Katmere Academy, or the students in it. Her uncle's exclusive and secretive boarding school is the last place she wants to be, but after the tragic deaths of both of her parents, she is left with no choice. It's not long before she discovers that she has entered a world like nothing she has ever known. Shapeshifters, witches and vampires roam the halls, existing in uneasy cooperation, a fragile web of alliances the only thing keeping them from war. As the lone mortal, the only thing Grace is sure of is that she doesn't belong. Then she meets Jaxon Vega, a vampire with deadly secrets who hasn't felt anything for a hundred years. Something in him calls to Grace - something that could spell her death. Because Jaxon walled himself off for a reason. And as Grace is drawn further under his spell, she begins to wonder: did she come to Katmere by accident, or was she brought here . . . as bait? From New York Times bestselling author Tracy Wolff, Crave is a captivating, addictive young adult paranormal fantasy - with a bite.
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Photo of taci
4.5 stars
Dec 16, 2024

não estava nada à espera de gostar tanto,, era mesmo o que eu precisava para sair da minha reading slump

Photo of Scarlett
4 stars
Aug 3, 2024

Que libro tan mamarracho, lo amo Me pareció de lo mas divertido cuantas referencias de crepúsculo y de la generación Z tenia, me ha encantado este amor infinito a primera vista me chica un poco, pero es mi placer culposo (en realidad todo el libro lo es), no recuerdo mucho de el porque es tan largo y pesado que me he tardado como un mes en leerlo, aunque también es culpa de mi memoria de dory

Photo of Linara K.S
Linara K.S@linara
1 star
Jul 19, 2024

DNF 60% This is WHY I should not trust booktok (this is my third attempt at trusting the app's recs and BOIIIII I've had enough)

Photo of Rebecca Hurd
Rebecca Hurd@becca2bz
5 stars
Jul 16, 2024

Ummm ok first things first…definite Twilight vibes in the beginning with the back and forth but I really enjoyed this a lot especially with the better variety of supernatural creatures!!!! Both Grace and Jaxon have deep pain that they are carrying, love that they found someone who understand that kind of loss!!

Photo of Kayley Herremans
Kayley Herremans@kayleyherremans
5 stars
Jun 11, 2024

I have just discovered Tracy Wolff and all I can say is BRAVO! I would sell my first born to read this book for the first time again (only kidding! …or am I?) The details, the romance, the SUSPENSE! It’s all so incredible! I’m so excited to continue my reading journey into this series!

Photo of Geni
5 stars
Jan 10, 2024

Honestly, i love it So many questions that i have especially between the ending and the relationship of jaxon, grace and hudson

Photo of Shai
4 stars
Dec 15, 2023

I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would. It made me a me a giggly mess at times, and yes it was quite obvious what was going on, up until the very last page. I didn’t see that coming!

Photo of Bailey Johnson
Bailey Johnson@lovestruckbay
5 stars
Dec 11, 2023

An orphan gets dropped off at her uncles boarding school. She finds out way too late it’s a boarding school for vampires, witches, dragons, shifters, etc. It’s mostly a huge love story between Jaxon and Grace

Photo of Naiya
4 stars
Dec 7, 2023

4.5⭐️ I LOVED the mentions of Harry Styles and Niall Horan!

Photo of Mia Caven
Mia Caven@miacaven
5 stars
Oct 10, 2023

am i obsessed? yes. am i mad because I know what happens next and it makes me absolutely livid because I *spoiler* love grace and Jaxon and don’t like Hudson at all despite his 0.5 second appearance? yes. LIVID. livid. IN LOVE WITH THIS BOOK AND THE CHARACTERS AND THE WORLD BUILDING AND ITS SIMPLICITY (in a good way) BUT LIVID 3 because of the next parts of the story. I know when the second book arrives I’m going to have to process my anger MORE

Photo of neen
2 stars
Sep 11, 2023

cringe. it’s like if twilight was written by a 10 year old girl. nothing was good and everything was predictable.

Photo of Alina
2 stars
Aug 31, 2023

** spoiler alert ** After her parents' fatal car accident, Grace moves to her uncle Finn's boarding school in Alaska. When Grace arrives at the castle-like prep school, her cousin Macy is eager to help her settle in. As Grace arrives at Katmere, she quickly learns that the other students are hostile towards her, especially Jaxon Vega, a hot, dangerous-looking guy who is the first person she meets. Although Grace is determined to stay away from Jaxon, something about his eyes tells her he is just as lost as she is. There seems to be something or someone at Katmere Academy that wants Grace dead, so Grace may need all the friends she can gather. I thought it was predictable as fuck. I accurately predicted what would happen, so the outcome did not surprise me. As well as plot holes, the book left me with many unanswered questions. Compared to Bella, Grace is a slight improvement, but not a huge one. Often, she makes rash, impulsive decisions. There’s not much detail about Crave’s Alaska setting, other than that it’s freezing cold there. This is a book set in an inaccessible prep boarding school, which reminds me of Hogwarts, but there are no classes or teachers mentioned. It focuses on Grace’s social scene at Katmere, Jaxon and Grace’s romantic tension, and the mystery of why someone wants to kill her. It felt like a Twilight wannabe story, and the writing kept embarrassing me. I don’t see myself reading this book again.

Photo of becky oh
becky oh@olivepages
5 stars
Aug 18, 2023

"There's not much to be afraid of when you've already lost everything that matters." This book is so full of cliché, sappy romance but I can't help but fall in love with it. I'm not a huge fan of Twilight either but Crave hit different, because when vampires are involved, things get a little bit out of control more like stupid people crying out their undying love for each other but we won't mention that. I picked up this book for fun because I was bored of lockdown and the point of this book is to never take it seriously or you won't enjoy it. Backdrop of vampires, witches and scary dragons, Crave follows Grace, who attends an academy full of monsters she didn't know existed before. And as Grace tries to fit in as a mortal, Jaxon Vega, a boy she needs to stay away from keeps luring her back to him. She can't resist but when everything seems impossible, Grace wakes up a deep monstrous disaster she didn't know that she could wake. I actually loved all the cliche parts throughout this book because I was just reading some light stuff when turns out I just got too deep into this book. It wasn't disappointing as a lot of readers rated this with 3 stars or lower and honestly, I have a soft spot for any kinds of romance so I dn't regret reading Crave. Douchey the first time, blank the second, intense the third, and furious the fourth. His moods change more quickly than my bestie's Insta feed. I always fall for the main character in any book and I was right — I did indeed liking Grace in this book. She's stubborn, curious about things she shouldn't be and fiercely protects the ones she love. However, she seemed like she had no personality whatsoever? Kind of like a watery Bella from Twilight upgraded. Jaxon Vega, my oh my. Forgive me for falling for someone I shouldn't but he is yummy. He can be violent but tender, be mean but kind at the same time. He was a little confusing to figure out but we all know he was loving Grace when he denied it. Something tells me this boy — and his world famous disappearing act — is going to be the death of me. Oh yes, reminds of Edward leaving Bella "for good" when in the end they just couldn't resist each other. But that's Twilight and this is Crave. And what I loved the most in this book, is the tension and the plot twists. The plot and the twists in this book happens all so suddenly that I'm just gawking at the book in shock and just screaming out because I was SO not expecting it to happen. The tension, romance and the plot twists are everything. AND WHAT WAS THAT ENDING MISS AUTHOR I CAN'T—

Photo of fris🐝
3 stars
Jun 1, 2023

this was so bad. i loved it.

my only question is: did she name hudson after lil huddy?

Photo of Olivia Rousseau
Olivia Rousseau @livluvlaugh
2 stars
May 17, 2023

Repetitive, long, and I hated the entire boarding school idea. How can the main characters be so annoying?

Photo of Bri Billaney
Bri Billaney@spork
4 stars
Apr 16, 2023

This was genuinely so good. Okay, yes, it was basically Twilight reskinned and rewritten, but it was different, fun, and if my new book bf ain't Jaxon Vega, idk who is.

Photo of Faith Kitowski
Faith Kitowski@faithkitowski
4 stars
Mar 20, 2023

4.6/5. oh my word… i’m gonna need a minute. but for real, this was actually super good.

Photo of madison mcgarvey
madison mcgarvey @madisonmcgarvey
2 stars
Jan 23, 2023

Did not live up to the hype for me. One of my biggest pet peeves is Acronyms and modern references in novels and this book was FULL of them. “OMG” “LOL” etc, etc,. Kind of a twilight ripoff; maybe something I would have enjoyed when I was younger but it just didn’t hit the mark for me at all.

Photo of samantha lias
samantha lias@chzypotatogrl
3 stars
Jan 11, 2023

It reminds me of if you took the old cartoon Scooby Doo movie that had the monster high school and mixed it with Another Teen Vampire Movie and made it a book. That being said, I think I’m aware that this book was not written for a 28-year-old, and I just stumbled across in on KindleUnlimited. I know myself, so I know I’ll finish the series - because I was also the teenager who holed herself up to read all of Twilight in one weekend. 

Photo of Kayla Sairs
Kayla Sairs @karlathenerd
3.5 stars
Jan 9, 2023

Like a new age twilight, bad but somehow works and makes you want to keep reading

Photo of Lydia Enge
Lydia Enge@lydianliterature
3 stars
Dec 31, 2022

Basically Twilight and Legacies combined.

Photo of Juli Nazzario
Juli Nazzario@julinazzario
2 stars
Dec 24, 2022

This was not good. That’s all.

Photo of Heather Miller
Heather Miller@heathersereads
3 stars
Dec 1, 2022

In the beginning, I liked the little subtle hints and slips that something is clearly odd around Grace’s new school way out in Alaska. After the death of her parents and having nowhere else to go, she goes to stay at her uncles boarding school until she finishes and turns 18. Right from the beginning she can tell something is odd about the people there, but tries her best to become a wallflower, which she fails miserably at, considering she has the attention of the two most desirable boys in school. Her romance with Jaxson is steamy and just that little bit of possessiveness he has for her is hot, but frustrating, because it never goes anywhere you want it to. Nothing really seems to happen besides Grace constantly getting injured every time she was about to start classes and Jaxson saving the day. Although it is young adult, things seemed unbelievable and a little too easy. Like it was thrown together just to move the story along. Like the idea of dragons. So much could have been done with that, but it was just thrown in there and it felt like it didn’t even belong. I feel the author’s writing was strong enough to have me finish the book, but weak enough that I’m not sure I want to continue the series. It felt a bit like a Twilight fanfic with just a few additions. To top it off, the story ends in a cliffhanger and you are left with more questions than you have answers for, which is expected in a series and can even be desirable, but only if the book was solid and made you want to actually continue. Do I recommend this? I’m not sure. It’s clearly for a younger audience, so it may just not pertain to me. If you love young adult teen issues, supernatural, and especially Twilight, this may be the book for you.

Photo of Amanda
Amanda @asteil
3 stars
Nov 30, 2022

It was a good book if you were into twilight and supernatural style text. Very PG in terms of content. No sex but the beginning of a series so it set a lot of plot lines.



Photo of Ayesha W
Ayesha W@ayesha22

<<Non rimane molto di cui avere paura, quando hai già perso tutto quello che conta.>>

Page 24
Photo of Ayesha W
Ayesha W@ayesha22

In fin dei conti, che cosa valgoni una casa, tele e pannelli o una batteria, quando ho perso tanto di più?

Page 5
Photo of Maddy T
Maddy T@maddyt33

"Well, come on then, New Girl. Climb on my back. I'll give give you a ride up the stairs."

Page 35

Um no. This entire book from the start has made me want to barf and this is the final straw. I want to dnf it so bad

Photo of (Bre)anne✨

Deep down, I am not different from you. I dreamed you, I wished for your existence.

Page 204
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Photo of Salomé Gleusteen
Salomé Gleusteen @scoobydoebiedoo

Perception becomes truth eventually, even when it's wrong." There's a wealth of pain in those four words, even though the tone Jaxon uses is completely devoid of emotion. “Especially when it's wrong. History is, after all, written by the winner"

Photo of Lieke Nieuwlaat
Lieke Nieuwlaat @lieke_nieuwlaat

I don’t know what you like yet, but i figured you were hungry. Stay off that ankle. Jaxon

Page 188

Een briefje van Jaxon aan Grave🥰

Photo of Lieke Nieuwlaat
Lieke Nieuwlaat @lieke_nieuwlaat

“Before I saw how he looks at you." She closes her eyes and makes a sound very close to the one she made when Jaxon smiled at her. “I wish Cam would look at me like that.” “You want your boyfriend to look at you like he’s an arrogant prick used to getting his own way?" "Yeah, he pretty much does that already," she says with a roll of her eyes. “I want him to look at me like it physically hurts him not to be touching me." "Jaxon doesn't look at me like that." I'm beginning to think it's how I look at him, though. Macy snorts. “Baby, If that boy wanten you any more, he would spontaneously combust.”

Page 170

Hoofdstuk 22🥰

Photo of Lieke Nieuwlaat
Lieke Nieuwlaat @lieke_nieuwlaat

“Yeah, well, that might be a problem." I barely manage to get the words out past my suddenly tight throat. “And why is that ecactly?” “Because I'm not going anywhere." Jaxon's low, amused voice cuts through my cousin's umbrage, has her eyes going wide and her skin draining of color. “And neither is Grace."

Page 139
Photo of Tia Roydhouse
Tia Roydhouse @teastexts

“What was that?” I demand. “Since when do you wink?”

Photo of Shao Fei
Shao Fei@belle5876

“There are a thousand ways to get somewhere, but not all ways are the correct one.” “I want him to look at me like it physically hurts him not to be touching me.” “I said it would be better if we weren’t friends, not that I didn’t want to be.”

Photo of blanca

“It's true," he whispers. "I'm so in love with you."

Page 508
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Photo of blanca

“Because it reminds me of how I got it, and I don’t want you anywhere near that world. And I sure as hell don’t want that world anywhere near you”

Page 387
Photo of Megan Bouwman
Megan Bouwman@meganreads

i am so obsessed with this book, I literally can not explain my feelings

Photo of Bianca-Andreea

“There are more things in heaven and hell, Horatio, / Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

Photo of Jennifer
Jennifer @comeagainjen

He turns me inside out with a look, destroys me with a kiss.

Absolutely 😍😍😍😍😍

Photo of amanda moore
amanda moore @amandabrooke

“Grace." He says my name softly, half whisper as he waits patiently for me to look at him. half prayer, But I can't. Not now. Not yet. "Have you ever" My voice breaks and I take a deep breath, blow it slowly out. Take one, and blow that one out, too. Then try again. "Have you wanted something so much that you were afraid to take it” “Yes." He nods. "Like it's right there, waiting for you to just reach out and grab it, but you're so terrified of what will happen when you lose it that you never make the reach?" «Yes," he says again, his voice low and deep and comfortine in a way that burrows inside me. I tilt my head up until our eyes meet, and then I whisper, «What did you do?" For long seconds, he doesn't say anything. He doesn't do anything. He just stares back at me with a look in his eyes as scarred and broken as the rest of him. And says, “I decided to take it anyway"

Page 270