Crimson Peak The Official Movie Novelization
When her heart is stolen by a seductive stranger, a young woman is swept away to a house atop a mountain of blood-red clay: a place filled with secrets that will haunt her forever. Between desire and darkness, between mystery and madness, lies the truth behind Crimson Peak. From acclaimed director Guillermo del Toro.

Elize van Heerden@bashfulreader
Boy oh boy, this is so messed up, beautifully written, Nancy has a wonderful way to paint with words, and with having seen the trailer of the movie, I could really visualize everything in my head. After reading this I can really understand why Guillermo del Toro keeps emphasizing that this is not a horror, it is a Gothic romance, the story is creepy and gets under your skin, but it certainly is not a horror.

Amazing, loved every page!!!

Hanna Rybchynska@hannarbc


Jess Burns@burnsyxx


Marta G.@gonroju15

Marissa Burdett@mburdett

Sheila Macias @shyjems
