Crisis On Infinite Earths

Crisis On Infinite Earths

Marv Wolfman2012
This is the story that changed the DC Universe forever. A mysterious being known as the Anti-Monitor has begun a crusade across time to bring about the end of all existence. As alternate Earths are systematically destroyed, the Monitor quicklyassembles a team of super-heroes from across time and space to battle his counterpart and stop the destruction. DC's greatest heroes, including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Aquaman, assemble to stop the menace, but as theywatch both the Flash and Supergirl die in battle, they begin to wonder if even all of the heroes in the world can stop this destructive force. Collects CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS #1-12.
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1 star
Sep 11, 2021
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Branden Harris@tatoes
5 stars
Oct 26, 2021