Caper's Dark Adventure: A Clean Cozy Mystery

Caper's Dark Adventure: A Clean Cozy Mystery

Someone's poaching the deer around Heavenly Acres. One of CJ's friends is murdered. What ensues next is a wild hunt for illegal poachers, foolhardy activists, and a big, bad, redneck truck that keeps showing up wherever CJ is. Car wrecks, storms, threats and more keep CJ and her friends on their toes. It all comes down to the final confrontation. One of the wildest yet. Come along for the ride as CJ and her quirky sidekicks hunt down some poachers. Fans of Celia Bonaduce's Tiny House novels and Cindy Bell's Dune House cozy mystery series will enjoy this tiny house mystery series. Kindle tags: female protagonist suspense, clean suspense, clean free wholesome KU books, suspense novels free KU, clean teen books for girls, small town cozy mystery, close-knit community mystery, Southern fiction cozy mystery
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