Cancer Incidence in Five Continents

Cancer Incidence in Five Continents

The aim of the Cancer Incidence in Five Continents series is to present data on cancer incidence from reliable registries in a standardized way so that comparisons between geographical areas and ethnic groups may be made with confidence. The efforts to build up cancer registration in areas of the world for which very little information on cancer occurrence is available are bearing fruit, and some of the results appear in this volume. Of particular note is the reappearance of Uganda, Kyadondo County - a registry for which data were published in Volume I but which was not able to contribute data until the period covered by the present volume. There are contributions from five new registries in Asia (including, for the first time, data from Korea and Vietnam) and from four in South America (presenting data from Argentina and Uruguay for the first time). An innovation in Volume VII is the analysis of histological sub-types for selected sites using data which have been checked for validity.
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