At Midnight 15 Beloved Fairy Tales Reimagined
Once upon a time . . . Fairy tales have been spun for thousands of years and remain among our most treasured stories. Weaving fresh tales with unexpected reimaginings, At Midnight brings together a diverse group of acclaimed YA writers to breathe new life into a storied tradition. . . Fifteen celebrated authors reclaim classic fairy tales for a new generation: Dahlia Adler, “Rumplestiltskin” / Tracy Deonn, “The Nightingale” / H.E. Edgmon, “Snow White” / Hafsah Faizal, “Little Red Riding Hood” / Stacey Lee, “The Little Matchstick Girl” / Roselle Lim, “Hansel and Gretel” / Darcie Little Badger, “Puss in Boots” / Malinda Lo, “Frau Trude” / Alex London, “Cinderella” / Anna-Marie McLemore, “The Nutcracker” / Rebecca Podos, “The Robber Bridegroom” / Rory Power, “Sleeping Beauty” / Meredith Russo, “The Little Mermaid” / Gita Trelease, “Fitcher’s Bird” / and an all-new fairy tale by Melissa Albert.
