As the Inquisition pursues the enemies of humankind, ruthlessly suppressing all who stand in its way, Inquisitor Eisenhorn confronts an interstellar cabal and a group of daemons, racing against time to recover the Necroteuch, an arcane text that will give its possessor supreme power over the dark arts. Original.

Ignacio Velarde@papayadonut
Rereading this after a few years and I had forgotten how exciting and immersive Abnett’s writing is. Not only that, he’s taking us into the world of an Inquisitor and the Inquisition, on of my favorite factions in the 40k universe.
This book is good, real good. And I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the trilogy.

Jose Vera@lectoreclectico
En el milenio 41 el imperio de la humanidad se ve amenazado por fuerzas oscuras. Alienígenas, adoradores del Caos, herejes que renuncian a la omnipotencia del emperador… Gregor Eisenhor como miembro de la Inquisición tiene por obligación luchar contra aquellos que quieren destruir a la humanidad. Hice una reseña del libro en mi blog: http://lectorcompulsivo.com/2015/11/x...

Pierre Nel@pn


Kevin Raymakers@akutama

tash lee@tashaalee

Greg Copeland@gtco

Cooper Lacasse@sentry

John Reuterswärd@johnreutersward

Rebecca Owen@rebecowen


Nikhil Pradhan@nikhil