The Signal Masters

The Signal Masters

The newly-formed Justice League International, led by celebrity Booster Gold, investigates a seismic disturbance in Peru as part of its first mission, but finds its biggest challenge is working together.
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Photo of Sans
2 stars
Sep 11, 2021

We have a handful of D-listers that are basically poorly copied versions of the Inhumans, FF, and X-Men, all struggling to get off the ground as a team that was brought together solely for the use of the U.N., but actually just to stroke the spy dude's ego. Then there's Batman, who is performing the roll of Booster's personal cheerleader. Which, if he's so intent on Booster leading this team, why did Bats tell Steve Trevor that he's worked with the JLI and wants them shut down (in JL: The Villain's Journey I believe)? Maybe the Last Great Screw Up happens in the second volume. I just don't care enough to see what it is.

Photo of Kelsey Nakano
Kelsey Nakano@bergamot
2 stars
Sep 7, 2021