Edge of Spider-Verse
Prelude to the biggest Spider-Event EVER! As Spider-Heroes assemble for the Spider-Verse event, discover some of the alternate reality Spider-Men (and women) you know, such as Spider-Man Noir… or think you might know.. Gwen Stacy, Spider-Woman! Collecting Edge of Spider-Verse #1-5.

✨Tyler ✨@timecompactor
I liked the spider-gwen issue more than I anticipated since Im pretty ambivalent about her. i was not expecting the Patton Parnell issue and honestly it turned my stomach. kind of horror style deal and not really my cup of tea. picked it up this TPB specifically to read the Peni Parker issue which was different than expected but enjoyable none-the-less

Cigdem O@cidringles

Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai


Kerry Gibbons@kerryiscool

Amy Snijders@amy0590

Nicole Lucy O'Loughlin@narrpip

Branden Harris@tatoes