
Boring and a chore to read with nothing interesting happening. Artwork wasn't the best for my eyes either. Reading Slott's Iron Man concurrently and it hurts to get double disappointed at the same time. Almost makes me wanna reread his Superior run to not change an opinion about his writing. If you wonder what it's like reading this FF series, it's like watching an action film made in USA. But with more cliches, if that's possible.

A chore to read. Full of cliches that makes you wonder how the fuck they went through editorial and got published. Like, you're Marvel, not an independent publisher. I don't mind finding a typo or two even if you ARE Marvel, but I DO mind paying to read what I've read and cringed over a thousand times. Never recommend this to a Fantastic Four fan. Ps. Mostly angry at myself for buying a bunch of variants of the series too. Ofc I got them for the covers but still. Supporting a title that's garbage is not good, it's like asking a thief to murder you too.

I guess this is what happens when Dan Slott takes a bet that he can write a story filled with every single cliche that's ever being. He won!

A decent but standard introduction story, but important enough developments. The best moments are between Ben and Alicia. It's fine. Enjoyable if you already like the FF.