
Although I originally liked this book, I read the many negative reviews here and realized they were right. This book is far too similar to ACOTAR for comfort, but sadly I can't confirm that because the book seems to have been removed from KU. Knowing now that the author has blatantly plagiarized her other work(s) I do not feel comfortable leaving this at 5 stars.

Do not read this book.

It is so hard to rate. I liked the writing style, the world building was ok and I enjoyed the character development. Tho a bit sudden and fast near the end. BUT it's.. ACOTAR and that's just not okay. I wouldn't hold the Fae courts against the author, that's based on folklore. But.. everything else? The wings? The intimate touching of the wings? The shadows? The mating? And so many other points. But again. I enjoyed it, it was a quick easy read. I hope the author realizes that they aren't making too many fans by copying one of the most popular books in this genre. And I hope they come out with a more original story? I totally would read it, again I liked the writing style. I disagree with some reviews says the writing was worse than fanfics written by children.

I saw this book recommended on TikTok for people who love ACOTAR and are struggling with the hangover from Raven Kennedy's Plated Prisoner series, so immediately downloaded it from KU. Now, let me start by saying that I loved this book and will most definitely be reading the next - I am, of course, disappointed that I have to wait, but I knew that going in. I found myself getting frustrated early on in the book because there were too many elements copied from ACOTAR and I would have preferred if this was marketed as fan-fic. From the wingspan jokes to the bat-wings, dark shadows, high lord of the night court, him knowing they're mates before she does, etc. There were just too many elements for you not to acknowledge that this was inspired by ACOTAR. The story is extremely fast-paced. Sometimes almost too fast-paced, leaving out details and large gaps of time. Like I would have loved to read more about Em and Wheezy's friendship. I loved how Mav would mother her and Ash - give me more of that! Oh and we just skimmed over her training - how does she go from not knowing anything to suddenly being able to wield swords and daggers. We KNOW that can take a lot of time for an experienced fae, now we have a fae who has grown up in the human realm, suddenly ready to wield an ash dagger? BUT, all that aside, this was the perfect book to get me out of my slump; there is enemies to lovers and one-bed trope, with a slight hint of found family (which I hope is expanded on in the follow-up, with Em and Ash). I still find myself not completely trusting Ash - but I blame SJM and that ish she pulled with Tamlin. One thing that I especially loved about this book which I haven't seen done so well, was how Alys doubted her own body - this was something I deeply related to, and got a lump in my throat when he got so upset about it. I loved how she worried about whether the dagger would fit around her thighs because that's something that is so normal and relatable. It was representation at its finest and man, I loved that! Some of the comments on Good Reads were frustrated that Alys was so accepting of things and at times, I noted that too. But I realised, that's probably how I would have acted. This is not something we often see in books like these, instead, we see the lead stubbornly fighting against her circumstances every step of the way. We see them running away, trying to escape and get back home while they take uncalculated risks and always forget the fae around them are more experienced. But this, this is how I would respond. I would wait, absorb what I can, and only then, take action. I think that was a refreshing take on things.