Black Movie
Poetry. African American Studies. These harrowing poems make montage, make mirrors, make elegiac biopic, make "a dope ass trailer with a hundred black children/ smiling into the camera & the last shot is the wide mouth of a pistol." That's no spoiler alert, but rather, Smith's way saying & laying it beautifully bare. A way of desensitizing the reader from his own defenses each time this long, black movie repeats."

4.75 - He shows us that literature is so much more than just reading pages and pages. As he meant, everyone needs to speak up, instead of only being stuck with the basics. I love this about him. You really can feel the pain and frustration. Even for me who ain't black - and won't ever be able to know how it is - still hits hard. He's a true artist.


Joycelyn Ghansah@jghansah


azliana aziz@heartinidleness

Adriana Gómez @adri_r

Sarah Marchant@flutterpulse

Shameera Nair Lin@therealsnl

Roger Amundsen@gododger

Amy Grieve@blossomamy


Laura Leila Marta@lauraleila

Elena Enns@elekat

Andrea Henderson@arhenderson5
