
***EDITING REVIEW AFTER FINISHING BOOK 5, CITY OF BLOOD, SINCE THE ONLY THING THAT PUT THIS AT 4.5 vs 5 STARS WAS THE SHORT, EPISODIC NATURE OF THESE BOOKS. CITY OF BLOOD BROUGHT THE SERIES INTO FOCUS AND WITH IT, A REALIZATION THAT THE SHORT, EPISODIC NATURE OF THESE FIRST 5 BOOKS WAS ESSENTIAL TO SETTING UP THE GRAND FINALE AS WELL AS TO ALLOWING US TO CONNECT WITH OUR CHARACTERS WITHOUT FEELING "DYSTOPIAN FATIGUE".*** 4.5 stars This is a book about the bond being formed between Marcos and Mariah and potentially the unborn child she may or may not be carrying. This is a “Found Family” story happening in a crucible of perpetual nightmares and I’m so here for it! Even though this series(due to the short nature of each book) is starting to have a little bit of that “Walking Dead” feel in which each season(in this case each book) is setting our characters at a point where they are taking two steps towards the larger goal and then being knocked back by some more pressing danger, it has it’s hooks in me and I couldn’t be happier.