The Purification Papers

The Purification Papers

Daniel Briggs2012
This original 2012 review by an Amazon Top 1000 Reviewer was redacted from the Amazon Website. "Author Daniel Briggs has done a lot of work to put together this remarkable compilation of evidence that we are inevitably heading toward a major shift in consciousness. I was very impressed: he must have read hundreds of books in his research of this compilation. It includes history going back to matriarchal times, biblical times, esoterica, alien influences, the Mayans (of course), the Bible code, Terence McKenna's analysis of the I-Ching, and much, much, MUCH more! Modern events such as 9-11 and OJ Simpson are weaved into the prophecies. Though I have read a great deal on the vast majority of these topics, I was nonetheless surprised and shocked by tidbits of info, such as the concept that men actually leave energy lines in women during sex, and these take 7 years to go away. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell went into Samadhi during his space flight. I was most astonished to learn that even hard-headed engineering types have concluded that this shift is inevitable as we head toward zero point energy. There is hope on the horizon! I love how Mr. Briggs suggests we will develop siddhis (powers) after the shift: 'Attendance at the Hogwarts schools of the new Golden Age promises inconceivable thrills as we develop our God-given siddhis in a natural and controlled environment. Without doubt, the most popular class will be flying. Sporadic levitations have been recorded throughout history, mostly connected with an overpowering euphoric vision: rapture.' My only complaint about this book is that there is no introduction for us to get the overall picture of what the book is about, nor is there an author bio. But if you want a summary of all things pointing to a major shift, this is a great read!" Susan Schenck, Amazon Top 1000 Reviewers
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