Flowers for Algernon

My husband recommended this book to me ages ago and I hate that it took so long for me to get around to reading. It’s beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time.
Charlie Gordon was born with some mental disability. Doesn’t specify what but he was abandoned by his family and left with his Uncle Herman. His Uncle gets him a job at a bakery and all Charlie wants is to be able to have in depth conversation with his friends at the bakery. To feel like a normal human being.
He becomes a test subject on an experiment that promises to make him smart. While this works in the beginning his knowledge expands so much that everyone he knew becomes scared or feels inferior around him and he still doesn’t have friends. Charlie is destined to be lonely forever.
There’s no review I could write that would do justice so I’m just going to encourage anyone who stumbles upon this to make time to read Flowers For Algernon.

Fantastic. Probably unforgettable (we ´ll see!) .

My tears blotted the ink on every page and now I'll never be able to read this book again.

charming but also quite sad? i enjoyed it quite a bit but it felt slow for me at some parts. glad I finally got this book off my TBR