
I really enjoyed this rather dark book. I loved the atmosphere Du Maurier sets and you can really envisage the rugged landscape. It's not as good as Rebecca but still a real page turner.

Kind of underwhelming, as far as du Maurier's other stuff is concerned. Gender relations feel very wonky in that you're a twenty-first century reader, reading the historical novel that du Maurier wrote in the 1930s, which takes place in the early 1800s; and, I dunno... there's a weirdness about that stuff. Like, it's not full-on Game of Thrones womansploitation, abuse, harassment, "aww it's horrible what they do to women but it's the fake Middle Ages so what you gonna do *wink wink*" kind of grimness, and Mary Yellan is certainly spirited and independent. But still... eh. Also, the moors get kind of boring after a certain point, the twists are not very thrilling, and overall, if you're in for the moor experience you're better off reading Wuthering Heights, and if it's more the romance aspect for you, then go read Jane Eyre. Rebecca is good, I hear that My Cousin Rachel is also good, but this one was a slog in most places.

Für ein Buch von Daphne de Maurier ist es enttäuschend langweilig und flach.

swift treacherous

Not terrible, but pretty predictable plot-wise.

No es un mal libro, pero me aburrió y no está al nivel de las otras obras que leí de ella. Esperaba más.

Jamaica Inn is my third du Maurier and it didn't disappoint, I enjoyed it just as much as Rebecca and My Cousin Rachel. Best read in the midst of a storm-torn night in a house filled with candle light, shuttered windows and a crackling fire.

I did like it but it wasn't one I just couldn't put down. I didn't really connect with the characters .

Meh. Ain't no Rebecca.

I've read so many mediocre suspense novels over the last few years that I've almost forgotten what a really good one was like, so it was good to finally read one again. From the first sentence, this book envelopes you inside a atmospheric world of gloom and danger. You can almost feel the cold of the rainy moors and the malice of some richly drawn unsavory characters. Daphne du Maurier is the master of the gothic thriller.