Dare to Submit

In Dare To Love, we met Ian Dare, a very controlling man who falls for Riley Taylor. In Dare To Desire, we met the loving, caring, also controlling Alex Dare who falls for Madison, someone he had met through Riley. In Dare To Surrender, we met Gabe Dare, a funny and controlling man who falls for Isabelle. In Dare To Submit, we meet Decklan Dare, Gabe’s brother and Alex and Ian’s cousin. When I finished reading the first three books, I knew I loved Alex out of all three but Decklan came in the picture and I was a goner. I am not one to like a controlling man, which is why I didn’t like Ian that much, but with Decklan, I forget I don’t like men that are controlling. He literally makes the reader yearn for him to come alive before our eyes and do unimaginable things. I fell for this guy immediately and I wanted to read more of those sex scenes. I love a good adult book but not those that only have sex after sex (except Fifty Shades). Dare To Submit is FULL of sex scenes and I needed more of those with Decklan. He is not only controlling but he has a GREAT heart and a great personality. I always love when I can relate to the characters, and in a way, I related to Amanda with the body image issues (not because I want to be skinny, but because I actually want/need to gain). Amanda grew up hearing her mother say she needed to lose weight and that caused her to have body image issues and her self-esteem was very low. When she meets Decklan, it surprises her how he doesn’t get disgusted by her body. Amanda and Decklan have pasts that are disturbing and hurtful but in each other they find a safe haven and they find love.

In Dare To Love, we met Ian Dare, a very controlling man who falls for Riley Taylor. In Dare To Desire, we met the loving, caring, also controlling Alex Dare who falls for Madison, someone he had met through Riley. In Dare To Surrender, we met Gabe Dare, a funny and controlling man who falls for Isabelle. In Dare To Submit, we meet Decklan Dare, Gabe’s brother and Alex and Ian’s cousin. When I finished reading the first three books, I knew I loved Alex out of all three but Decklan came in the picture and I was a goner. I am not one to like a controlling man, which is why I didn’t like Ian that much, but with Decklan, I forget I don’t like men that are controlling. He literally makes the reader yearn for him to come alive before our eyes and do unimaginable things. I fell for this guy immediately and I wanted to read more of those sex scenes. I love a good adult book but not those that only have sex after sex (except Fifty Shades). Dare To Submit is FULL of sex scenes and I needed more of those with Decklan. He is not only controlling but he has a GREAT heart and a great personality. I always love when I can relate to the characters, and in a way, I related to Amanda with the body image issues (not because I want to be skinny, but because I actually want/need to gain). Amanda grew up hearing her mother say she needed to lose weight and that caused her to have body image issues and her self-esteem was very low. When she meets Decklan, it surprises her how he doesn’t get disgusted by her body. Amanda and Decklan have pasts that are disturbing and hurtful but in each other they find a safe haven and they find love.