
Artwork was pretty great but I don’t think it’s a binge worthy kind of book. The stories tie in just the slightest and the endings of each episode are only half endings. I’m assuming they leave it open to draw you into getting the next novel but it’s not for me. Too many characters. One main character, Blacksad, one recurring character, weekly and the rest are just thrown in for that one specific story. I had to backtrack a few times just make sure I was keeping track of all of them.Out of the three episodes I liked Arctic Nation the most.

Have you ever wanted to read a set of noir mysteries about anthropomorphic animals? Well, you should because Blacksad is amazing. Canales and Guarnido capture the feel of the genre perfectly, and the art is absolutely stunning. I was amazed at just how detailed and carefully composed this volume is, and the mysteries themselves were enjoyable and touched on important themes including racism and political corruption. This incredible book is vying for a spot on my top graphic novels of all-time list.

Dark, gritty, and beautiful. This comic is just oozing with character and style. The art style really helps bring you into this bizarre noir world that John blacksad is living in. The way the book works is that it has three different cases each separate from the other. Normally I wouldnt enjoy that, but somehow this worked with blacksad, and I cant wait to read the other volumes.

Philip Meow-lowe investigates. A masterpiece of poetic sensitivity and historical refraction. This does in illustration and writing everything Raymond Chandler does in words and Hollywood noir did in pictures.