Darkness Before Dawn

Wow. As if Blake hasn't been through enough! I can't even believe the amount of tragedy she goes through, but the way the story is written I thought it was actually happening. This book was an amazing second part to There is No Light in Darkness. The view point switches between Blake and Cole and it couldn't have been a better decision. I loved hearing both sides of the story. The story picks off right where the first one ended, Blake is kidnapped. Cole is broken. His one reason in life, Blake, is gone. He is desperate to get her back and will do anything for her. "I can't go anywhere without seeing her in everything I do. She's rooted so deep into me that no matter what happens, Blake has ruined me forever. She fixed me and broke me all at once." Blake is suffering. Her only lifeline is Cole, when she is feeling weak she thinks of Cole. "You are not just involved with the person that causes your world to make sense. you live for that person. you breathe for that person." Blake learns to blindly trust a few select people and she learns a lot about her past. Questions are answered and truths are found. The strength of Blake's character shines through as she learns about who she is and why her nightmares exist.

2.5 Confusing and Disappointing Stars! Review to come! Possibly. I am just so bummed out from this one that I'm not sure I feel up to writing a review for it! I was highly disappointed in the lack of answers! Not to mention why didn't (view spoiler)[Blake ever tell Cole about the kiss with Dean.? What was the whole point in that storyline? I also didn't like the lack of answers. What was the point in her mother's death? What's going on with this whacked up family tree? Was it all really over a land dispute? Why kidnap two innocent kids? It just wasn't believable to me. Also, did anyone else notice the error about the alarm clock from her childhood? It was a My Little Pony not Hello Kitty alarm clock! Yep, maybe I'm such a nerd that I'm the only one who picked up on that ;) (hide spoiler)] Anyways, don't not read this book on my lack of review! I'm sure many of you will love it, it just wasn't for me. This is going on my list of books that everyone loved but Kinsey. :(

I absolutely devoured this book, but it didn't quite grab me the same as the first, There is No Light in Darkness, did. Don't get me wrong, it was still very, very good. It had suspense, romance, friendship, family, angst...